#1StudentNWI: Sports, Clubs and Musicals at South Central High School

Powder Puff- Coming up this month is the South Central High School's annual Powder Puff game! This is a football game between the Junior and Senior girls for pride and, of course, bragging right! When you include boys of the school who are coaching these girls, there are over 40 students participating in the event! That's a major group from such a small school! The Junior girls will take on last year's winning team for an intense game that the entire community will gather to see!
All profits from the major event go toward the Junior/Senior prom later in the spring. The Junior class is even donating all of the food for the game's concession stand to raise as much money as they can so everybody can have that special night. The Powder Puff game will take place on Wednesday, September 30th at 7:30.
Homecoming- South Central is counting down the days until
Homecoming! Friday, October 2nd is the day for the game against North Newton High School! The Spirit Committee has come up the theme of "Let's Stomp the Spartans" and will be wearing togas in the student section! And of course, our beloved Space Chicken will probably be in a toga also!
Leading up to Friday is the annual South Central Homecoming bonfire! After the Powder Puff Football game, the students gather behind the softball field and light up a smoldering fire! At that time, the Rockettes and cheer teams line up in front of the fire and sing the fight song. That is followed by senior games and school bonding!
FFA- The South Central FFA is back and better than ever! The advisor, Mr. McCallum, has been leading the club for a few years now. Since he started out, the school's representation went from very low numbers to in the high forties! The students in FFA dedicate hours upon hours to the club! They spend hours studying for upcoming competing like Soil Judging and Meat Grading. Not only does the FFA group do events, they also do community service! The club has started to plan things as the Pink Pumpkin sale, nature trail restoration, and volunteering at a soup kitchen. The Pink Pumpkin sale is a new project of the club!
Recently, the club has been growing pumpkins in the back of the school. These pumpkins will be sold at the homecoming game for $5 up to $10. All of the proceeds from the sale will go towards breast cancer research. The club is determined to help find the cure and thought that selling pink pumpkins would be the cutest and the best fundraiser they could do. Along with that fundraiser is the Mum Fundraiser. The club will be selling giant mums for $10. All of the proceeds from this will go towards bettering the school's greenhouse that the FFA raised money for originally.
Drama- With another super successful year behind them, the South Central Drama Club is back to wow the crowds again. The talented group took on the classic known as Grease last year and will now take on Joseph and the Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoat. This beautiful, biblical musical involves a cast of over 30 high schoolers and elementary students combined. Familiar faces will grace the stage and attempt to blow everyone away once again. The hilarious stage production will take place November 5, 6, and 7 all at 7 pm at South Central High School! Come out and see the hard work everyone's been working into the show in November!
The South Central Drama director, Mrs. Barnes, wanted to do something amazingly generous this year. She brought back a tradition of her years at New Prairie High School and started a little friendly competition between the members. On Halloween, the students of Drama Club will split into teams of five and go trick-or-treating... But it's not for candy! The students will ask the homes if they can spare any items to go to the local food pantries. This competition has brought in copious amounts of food in her past years. She offers the team with the most amount of food a pizza party after the musical. This motivation and friendly competition will push the students to do more for their community and have a positive impact on society.
Football and Volleyball- As sports seasons continue on, the volleyball and football teams have been influenced in a different way than usual. Both teams started off the 2015-16 seasons with new coaches. Both teams admit that it was a foreign concept to learn the new ways, but it's all paid off. Both teams have been extremely successful in their win records and relationship as a team.
Athlete Shout Out- The athletic director, Mr. Scott, would like to recognize senior, Carly Kohout. Carly on many South Central athletic teams but her Cross Country career is a very import one currently. Carly takes on many runs in one week. She is usually one of the top finishers of the event, and yet she does more than she needs to. Carly finishes a race and then turns around to the back of the line of runners. She teams up with someone struggling to make it through the race or even just to help motivate them to make it through.
I asked Carly why she does this. She replied by saying, "I've been doing that for the past 3 years now, including this, and it's not like anyone has asked me to I just simply do it because I know what it's like to be in last place and to run alone, neither of which is fun. Plus it makes whomever I'm running with feel really special, like when someone will literally go the extra mile just for them. It makes them feel good that someone believes in them. I want people to know though that I don't do it for the articles or the awards or anything, I do it because I love hearing that it made that person's day while I did something so little, just took a little time out of my day to help them. It is kind of a give and take, I will help them a little bit and tell them about myself, and they in return will tell me a little about themselves, I will push them (mentally in a good way) and just try to help."
Carly obviously cares about the wellbeing of others and that's what makes her such an amazing athlete!
School Construction- If you've seen the school recently, you would know that it's been under construction since the beginning of summer. These restorations are working us closer to bettering the school! The drained pool has finally been filled and being transformed into a brand new Middle School section! This construction will separate the seventh and eighth graders from the upperclassman. This new area will provide less crowding in the halls and an easier transition into their high school careers! The principal, Mrs. Wood, plans on creating special programs, competitions, and other fun things now that the area will be used up! It's exciting for everyone here at South Central and we can't wait for it to be completed!
photos by Janelle Mitzner