If you would like to be more strategic about growing your business, are planning an event for your non-profit, or want to move your career in another direction, Using Your Right and Left Brain for Strategic Success is a workshop designed for you. In Using the Right and Left Brain for Strategic Success you will learn how to use mind maps and various planning templates and tools to create a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish in 2013 and a step-by-step plan to get you there.
The next session is on Friday, July 26 from 9:30 until 4:00 in Valparaiso.
For too long, we have been encouraged to approach every problem from a scientific perspective. We’ve been taught when it comes to strategic planning, the logical left brain rules. But imagine the power of using the whole brain—both the logical left and the creative right.
You will
- Define your goals for 2013 - both personal and business
- Determine who you need to engage to accomplish them
- Create an detailed engagement strategy, and
- Develop a time-bound, step-by-step plan for success in 2013
This session will pull together concepts and exercises from traditional perspectives from Stephen Covey, Tony Buzan, Michael Gelb and Tom Peters as well as newer works like The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry and To Sell is Human by Daniel H. Pink.
For more information and to register, click here!