Home»Other»$200,000 Grant Awarded for Schererville’s Teibel Nature Park

$200,000 Grant Awarded for Schererville’s Teibel Nature Park

Congressman-Visclosky-HeadshotCongressman Pete Visclosky announced on Thursday that the Indiana Department of Natural Resources has been awarded a $200,000 grant through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) State and Local Assistance Program. This grant will be allocated to the Schererville Park Board for the development of Teibel Nature Park.

“The awarding of the LWCF grant will enhance the quality of life for all residents by providing the Schererville Park Board funding to begin the initial development of the Teibel Nature Preserve into a public park that promotes passive recreation through natural resource preservation and management,” said Superintendent of Parks John Novacich.

The grant will provide funding for the Schererville Park Board to help secure 40 acres of additional land, which will be used to develop a picnic area, playground, trail, and additional parking.

Visclosky highlighted the importance of the grant to the region, saying, “Public parks are some of our most precious resources. They are tremendously important to the quality of life of the residents of Northwest Indiana and promote community development. I congratulate the Schererville Park Board and Schererville Town Council for successfully securing this grant to aid in the development of Teibel Nature Preserve.”