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Veterans get the Remembrance They Deserve at Residences at Deer Creek

RDC-VetsMany veterans call Residences at Deer Creek home. They served our country and made sacrifices that we will never begin to comprehend. As a country we are getting better at recognizing their selfless acts, but we will never be able to truly thank them for all that they do for us. But we will always continue to try.

Cindy Horgash, Director of Life Enrichment at Residences at Deer Creek, is the creator of a really neat monthly event that takes place at the facility. For over a year now, Cindy has been organizing monthly dinners for veterans in the area.

"I used to work with the Schererville Parks Department and I worked with the memorial there in town and I worked with a lot of different veterans," Horgash said. "I brought a few from the VFW Post 717 here to visit with our veterans and it was really nice."

It was beneficial in multiple ways because not only did veterans at Residences at Deer Creek get visitors, they also got to sign up for the VFW and take part in all the perks that come with it. Horgash thought that since everyone was gathering in one place to visit, food should be involved.

"The first dinner we had was for our vets and we had pizza," Horgash said. "It was a great turnout, and then we decided to open up the event to veterans in the area."

The dinners have been happening every month, without fail, ever since. VFW Post 717 member Larry Blankman is a big part of the success of the dinners. He comes and helps veterans sign up with the VFW, he will sit and chat with everyone, and soak up as much time as he can with them.

The dinners are a great way to get the men at Residences at Deer Creek out and socializing with other residences as well as the veterans who come and visit from the outside of the facility. The dinners are casual and free to attend. Each is held in the bistro area by the main entrance of the facility.

"Sometimes we'll get the young guys who just came back from Iraq to come and eat with us," Horgash said. "Our guys will tell them stories and ask all kinds of questions. I find these dinners really enjoyable. I see guys come out who I don't see at any of the other events that we offer at Residences at Deer Creek."

Bob Waltman, resident and veteran said, "At first I stayed away because I thought that it was just going to be all war talk. I've seen enough war and I don't want to relive it anymore. But Cindy convinced me to go. You can't say no to her. And I found that it was a really nice time."

"It's a nice gesture, really," Jim Williams, another resident and veteran said.

"I think it's fun to hear stories from the people around you. They've been to different parts of the world and served in different branches," Ed Rudinga, resident and veteran said.

The wives of some of the veterans will attend with them, and some female residents who had husbands who were veterans will offer to help. Horgash has them serving dinner to the veterans.

"My heart goes out to all of the vets. We owe everything to our vets; there's no doubt about it," Horgash said. "We don't forget and these dinners are a way to acknowledge them."

The next veterans dinner is Monday February 22, 2016. For more information on the dinner call (219) 864-0700.