Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Chicago District, Rep. Frank J. Mrvan (IN-1), and Crown Point Mayor Peter Land marked the beginning of the Crown Point Liberty Park Pipelining project.
Crown Point Mayor Pete Land said the city is thrilled to break ground on another collaborative project between the City, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Congressman Frank J. Mrvan.
"This project is a long time coming and provides much-needed improvements to the residents in Liberty Park,” Land said. "We have a fantastic partnership with the Army Corps of Engineers and Congressman Frank J. Mrvan, and we are grateful for their support as we make various infrastructure upgrades throughout the City.”
The project will provide improvements to the sanitary sewer infrastructure throughout the Liberty Park neighborhood within the City of Crown Point, Indiana. The project would involve lining up to 1,100 linear feet of 12-inch sewers, 500 linear feet of 10-inch sewers, and 9,000 linear feet of 8-inch sewers in Crown Point’s Liberty Park neighborhood. In addition, thirty-eight (38) manholes would be rehabilitated to reduce inflow and infiltration.
“It is great to come together to celebrate the start of this project, and our continued partnerships with the City of Corwn Point and Representative Mrvan,” Col. Kenneth Rockwell, USACE Chicago District commander, said. “This groundbreaking will mark the beginning of construction to provide improvements to the sewer infrastructure within the Liberty Park neighborhood. In total, we have completed seven Section 219 projects in Crown Point, and we look forward to many more.”
The contract was awarded to Integrated Environmental Solutions, Inc. of Gary, Indiana, for $1,204,769. Field construction started in September of 2023.
The project is authorized under Section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act 1992, as amended by Section 504 of WRDA 1996, Section 502 of WRDA 1999, and by Section 108 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001. Section 219, as amended, allows USACE to provide planning, design, and construction assistance for carrying out water-related environmental infrastructure projects in select areas. Projects under this authority are cost shared at 75 percent federal and 25 percent nonfederal sponsor. This project has been allocated $1,200,000 of federal funding. The nonfederal sponsor, the City of Crown Point, provided a 25% cash match of $391,666.
“Thank you to Mayor Land, the leaders of the City of Crown Point, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for your leadership on this initiative to positively improve our region.” Rep. Frank J. Mrvan said. “The completion of the sanitary and sewer infrastructure project will improve the livelihoods for the residents of the City of Crown Point and create the conditions for more economic development throughout our region.”