Kathy Los-Rathburn will offer a 1-day watercolor workshop titled, "Thinking About Spring" on Saturday, March 29 from 1-4 p.m. Kathy will walk students through the process of creating a still life bouquet of flowers in a single, 3-hour setting.
The cost for class is $25 for members and $30 for non-members. Students should bring regular watercolor supplies, including a 1/2 sheet of 300# watercolor paper or 140# watercolor paper stretched.
To register for the class, please contact the Chesterton Art Center at 219-926-4711. The Chesterton Art Center is located at 115 S. 4th St., Chesterton, IN 46304.
For a full list of adult classes, please see the website at www.chestertonart.com.