Home»Community»Family»The Winners of the 68th Northwest Indiana Soap Box Derby Announced

The Winners of the 68th Northwest Indiana Soap Box Derby Announced

soap-box-derbyHere are the winners of the 68th Northwest Indiana Soap Box Derby held on Saturday, June 21, 2014. Stock Car - Melanie Sikora of St. John, Indiana; Super Stock Car - Gracie Eberhart of Medaryville, Indiana; Masters Car - Natalie Rokosz of Valparaiso, Indiana; Super Kids - Michael Scurlock of Indianapolis, Indiana and Noah Biegel of Hanna, Indiana (Co-winners). These racers will be headed to the national All-American Soap Box Derby race in Akron, Ohio. The national race will be held on July 24, 25 and 26, 2014.

The NWI Soap Box Derby committee would like to thank all of the racers and their families, the sponsors and the volunteers. We couldn't have done it without their assistance. Hope to see everyone next year.