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Team Solis – Fundraiser to Support Guy Solis

guy-solis-fundraiserOur dear friend Guy Solis is currently in the fight of his life & his opponent is cancer. He has already endured surgery to remove his kidney & a cancerous tumor & is presently undergoing aggressive chemo treatments.

Guy has accomplished so much in his life. He is an alumni of Morton High School, a Veteran of the US Marines, former professional boxer & pipefitter at BP. His most important role is that of dedicated & loving father to his son Austin who is a Bishop Noll Institute Alumni & student at IU Bloomington.

We are coming together to raise funds to assist with Guy's expenses. We ask you to join us for food, a photo booth, corn hole, kids games, bake sale & music. There will be beautiful gift baskets in the raffle & fun ways to help us raise funds for Guy.

The event will be held from 2 pm - 6 pm in the Wicker Park Pavilion & is open to friends & family of all ages! Tickets are $20 & it includes hamburgers, hot dogs, appetizers, pop & water. Adult beverages to be served with a minimal donation. The fundraising continues at the adults only event at Kenwood Tap beginning at 8 pm that evening. Get your dancing shoes ready because Soundz of Santana will be playing that evening at Kenwood!

If you would like to donate items for the raffle such as sporting event tickets, sports jerseys, movie tickets, Mary Kay or a gift certificate to a restaurant etc, we would greatly appreciate it. Items can be dropped off at Kenwood Tap or with Dawn & Jamie Blankman. We kindly ask that raffle items are received no later than 1 week prior to the event to give us time to arrange them. You can also help by forwarding this event to those who might be interested in attending!

A bank account has been established at Centier Bank. Monetary donations can be sent to any Centier Bank. Here is just one of the branch addresses: at 5433 Hohman Ave, Hammond, IN 46320; attn: Guy Solis Benefit Fund. The online account is established through youcaring.com.

All of us who know Guy are so lucky to have someone so loyal in our lives! He's been there for us, let's be there for him! Hope to see you there!

For more info, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/628547930593695/