Home»Community»Serving»Strack and Van Til, Ultra Foods and Town and Country Markets Donate 30 Bins of Food to the Food Bank of NWI

Strack and Van Til, Ultra Foods and Town and Country Markets Donate 30 Bins of Food to the Food Bank of NWI

svt-foodbank-nwi 1As part of the holiday “Bag a Meal” campaign in stores, Strack and Van Til, Ultra Foods and Town and Country Markets were able to deliver 30 bins of nonperishable food to the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana in early December!

“Together we are making a true difference in the lives of so many in need during the holidays. This is only the beginning, as the campaign continues through the month of December in all stores” said Victor Coronado, Director of Warehouse Operations for Strack and Van Til. “We hope to double this by the end of December and look forward to delivering another 30 pallets or more at the end of the month.”

svt-foodbank-nwi 2Want to get in on the giving? When you go into any Strack and Van Til, Ultra Foods or Town and Country Markets, you will find pre-filled bags for sale. They have nonperishable food items inside that, when purchased, are donated to individuals in need through the Northern Illinois Food Bank, the Greater Chicago Food Depository, and the Good Samaritan Food Pantry of Renssalear. All you have to do is buy one of the already filled bags. There are different amounts so anyone can donate as little or as much as they want.

For more information, visit any Strack and Van Til, Ultra Foods and Town or Country Markets location.  

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