Kindergarten students in Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Messich's classes at St. Mary's Catholic Community School in Crown Point, IN are 100 days smarter! Students dressed up like 100 year-olds complete with walkers, life alerts, and grey hair to celebrate the 100th day of school.
Each child brought in 100 small snacks that were put together in a bowl and divided up for snack time. A good time was held by all!

St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point was opened in 1872. The school offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three-year-olds) through eight and is the largest school in the Diocese of Gary. St. Mary’s faculty teaches a rich curriculum supported by leading-edge technology. All students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as Academic Team, Chess Club, Craft Club, Math Bowl, Spanish Club, Science Olympiad, Scouts, Environmental Club, WSMW News Cast, athletics and more. St. Mary’s will begin accepting applications for new students for the 2020-2021 school year on Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 8:00 AM. To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a personal tour, call 663-0676 or visit