St. Mary’s School – Busia restores Blessed Mother statue during pandemic

St. Mary’s School – Busia restores Blessed Mother statue during pandemic

While many of us were hunkering down during COVID stay at home orders, one Busia (Grandma in Polish) was keeping busy helping her granddaughter. Middle School Science Teacher at Saint Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point, Mary Catharine Skinner, called upon her Busia to help with a school project. She needed Busia's years of experience and expertise. Prior to school switching to remote learning in March, Mary had discussed, with her secretaries, taking the Blessed Mother Statue from the office home over the summer to repaint. Well, the school building closed in the Spring and the Blessed Mother got a fresh coat of paint! Mrs. Skinner’s Busia, Charlotte Wentland, enjoys painting ceramics. For years she has been visiting the senior center and all of her grandchildren have been blessed to have many of her beautifully painted pieces. In fact, Charlotte has previously repainted and fixed up statues for St. Mary’s of the Immaculate Conception Parish and St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church in Michigan City. Her Catholic roots and service mindset are family traits she has passed down through the generations. Delighted to have a project, while very much stuck at home, she would regularly check in with Mary Catharine for a reminder on the timeline and let her know her progress. She even went as far as asking her local priest to look in the sacristy for an extra crown as a final touch for this particular Blessed Mother statue. Charlotte volunteers to decorate her parish regularly and knew there would be some extra pieces laying around waiting to shine. Saint Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point is grateful to have a beautifully, freshly painted Blessed Mother statue in the office for the students and staff to see and appreciate. The school, which was started in 1872, is back to in-person learning, five days per week. This sign of a deeply respected mother figure is just what one needs during these uncertain times.