The Environmental Club from St. Mary’s School in Crown Point recently enjoyed a beautiful fall fishing trip. Members of the club and their parents and grandparents journeyed to southern Lake County. The fishing pond is connected to the Kankakee River, providing it with a diverse population of fish, and most students were lucky enough to reel in several fish regardless of previous experience. Bluegill, crappie, catfish, dogfish and bass were caught. Principal Tom Ruiz chaperoned the trip and had this to say, “When we got to the pond, one of our youngsters became impatient and gave up on fishing pretty quickly. He decided to sit down and start playing on his phone. Thankfully, his grandfather didn’t give up and eventually got a bite. The young man put the phone down and reeled in a nice bluegill. The eight-year-old then went on to catch seven more fish all by himself. I was really happy to see the thrill of fishing trump the desire to play on the phone. I hope this young man will do some more fishing with this grandpa in the future.” The club’s four pillars are education, protection, and appreciation. The entire group strengthened their appreciation of the environment with this fishing trip that was organized by Cedar Lake resident, Mr. Jeff Nelson with the permission of a generous farmer that he knows.
St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three-year-olds) through eight and is the largest grade school in the Diocese of Gary. All students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities such as Chess Club, Girls on the Run, athletics, academic teams, Spanish club, Science Olympiad, scouts, Environmental Club, and more. To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a tour, visit