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St. Mary’s Students Play Dodgeball in Support of La Rabida Children’s Hospital

St-Marys-Students-Play-Dodgeball-in-Support-of-La-Rabida-Childrens-Hospital-01The Student Council at St. Mary Catholic School in Crown Point recently hosted their annual Dodgeball Charity Tournament on Friday April, 21. The proceeds of this tournament will go to La Rabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago. Students and teachers alike love this fundraiser for the children's hospital. The game is always fun and the students really enjoy being able to help other children. The students and parents all filled the gym to support their favorite dodgeball players.

St-Marys-Students-Play-Dodgeball-in-Support-of-La-Rabida-Childrens-Hospital-02It was a fun evening for the whole family. During the intermission students enjoyed cheering on their parents in the annual "parent pick-up game." Many parents came down from the stands and showed their children where they got all their dodgeball talent from! There was a bracket for the 5th and 6th graders and another for the 7th and 8th graders. Winners this year were the "Hot Hands" (pink team) for the 5th/6th bracket. The 7th/8th grade bracket winners was the team "Davis' Dinos" (greenTeam), named after their favorite teacher, Steven Davis.

St-Marys-Students-Play-Dodgeball-in-Support-of-La-Rabida-Childrens-Hospital-03Want to join the fun? St. Mary’s School offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three year olds). St. Mary’s faculty teaches a rich curriculum supported by cutting-edge technology. All students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities such as Chess Club, underwater robotics, athletics, academic teams, Spanish Club, Science Olympiad, scouts, Environmental Club, and more. To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a tour, visit stmarycp.org/school. The school is currently accepting applications for new students for 2017-2018 school year.