Home»Other»Press Releases»Special Performance “From the Heart, For the Heart”at the Annual American Heart Association Heart Walk

Special Performance “From the Heart, For the Heart”at the Annual American Heart Association Heart Walk

The American Heart Association will be hosting their annual heart walks on Saturday, September 14 at the Lake County Fairgrounds for the Lake County Walk and Saturday, September 21 at Coffee Creek for the Porter County Walk.

Since the inception of the Heart Walk in 1993, mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and stroke have plummeted by 45 percent. Each walker and each donation has helped to transform health statistics into lives saved, but there is more work to be done.

The Porter County Walk will include a special concert performed by someone whose heart has literally been touched by the American Heart Association.

Logan Castleton, of Valparaiso, was just 10 days old when he had his first open heart surgery, and he has had over a dozen surgeries since then, including a pacemaker. He was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and will need a new heart someday, but that doesn’t get in his way for a minute!

“ I don’t remember it but I was told I attended my first heart walk in a red wagon...I was only 1 years old,” Logan states. “I’ve been to almost every heart walk since then.”

He is an accomplished pianist at age 15, having performed a the Lincoln Center in New York City, the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood and many more notable famous venues.

“I’m excited to do a special performance at the Porter County Heart Walk this year in honor of all of the cardiovascular survivors, including myself!” says Logan.

The future is always unpredictable, as Logan will need a new heart someday but he is greatly looking forward to performing at the Porter County Heart Walk this year for all to enjoy his music, which has been a big part of his heart and life!

“Seeing Logan at the walks year after year really shines light on why the AHA is around and why we/the community continue to participate in this noble cause.” John Mengel, 2019 Executive Heart Walk Chairman Vice President and General Manager at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor shares. “Logan has had a long journey with dozens of surgeries and will continue to need more. Supporting the AHA mission is the least we can do- for Logan and for everyone battling heart disease.”

For more information or to register for the Northwest Indiana Heart Walks visit northwestindianaheartwalk.com.
