Looking for help with Small Business Administration lending? You’re not alone.
SBA offers a variety of loans and the process starts when you apply for a SBA-backed loan through a local lender. When applying for one of the Horizon SBA loan programs you are asking SBA to provide a guarantee that you will repay your loan as promised. Lenders nominated by the SBA field office are considered based on their experience and record with SBA, and must have demonstrated a proficiency in processing and servicing SBA-guaranteed loans.
Horizon Bank has made a concerted effort to increase our SBA lending activity. We are not only interested in SBA loans, but have made a commitment to increase our involvement by hiring people who understand and have expertise and knowledge of the SBA lending process that many banks don’t offer.
SBA lending products and processes previously had a bad reputation for being difficult and very laborious to get approved. A few years ago, the SBA decided that banks could do a better job of processing and funding loans directly with SBA guarantees, versus the SBA funding loans themselves. This change has greatly benefited borrowers and streamlined the application process.
The SBA offers guarantees on many types of loans that Horizon Bank offers. Products vary and include term loans, lines of credit for working capital, contracts, and seasonal and builders cap lines.
Horizon Bank is a Preferred SBA Lender due to our expertise and experience with SBA lending. Please contact any Horizon branch to discuss your business’s needs.
Kent Mishler is Horizon Bank’s Market President of Porter County with more than 33 years of banking experience in the Porter County area.