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Sebo’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Maxwell Telecare Roll Out New Telemedicine Service for Doctors, Patients, and Families

Sebo’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Maxwell Telecare Roll Out New Telemedicine Service for Doctors, Patients, and Families

Thursday afternoon, Maxwell Telecare unveiled their new technology partnership with Sebo’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, enabling 24/7 physician care for the facility's doctors, nurses, patients, and families.

“Patients can avoid hospitalization and receive on-the-spot care,” said Renee Christ, Director of Nursing for the Hobart center.  “We’re one of the first long-term care facilities in the area using telemedicine technology, and V.A. facilities are just starting to use this.”

Kelly Petty, Regional Director of Marketing, provided information on how the technology will work for doctors and patients.  High-definition telemedicine equipment has been installed in the facility’s computer network, and full doctor and patient access will begin Monday, June 12.

Nursing staff is highly trained, including in the use of digital stethoscopes and otoscopes, and, when implemented, doctors will be able to do remote care diagnosis anytime, day or night.

Petty added that this will also allow for additional specialist care; in particular, more robust geriatric medical work.

Benefits for nursing staff, patients, and family were emphasized by L.P.N. supervisor Kira Green.  “We can show what we could only describe to doctors before, and give more thorough onsite care, avoiding unnecessary hospitalization. Also, families can be at the appointments, having a greater understanding of their loved one’s care.”

During the presentation, Account Executive and Trainer Haley Smith demonstrated the telemedicine interface, where doctors have a secure video screen with detailed digital graphics. Patients’ families get an email alert with a remote link and if they can’t be there in person, watch and interact with the doctors, nurses, and patients.

Dr. Andrew Rosenson, CEO of Maxwell, shared two of the technology’s greatest overall benefits. 

“If there’s a changing condition, the doctor evaluates the patient and research has shown 80% of nursing home patients that would go to the ER before won’t have to.”

And if the doctor with remote access does determine hospitalization is needed, the facility will be ready.

“The doctor can contact the family and with two clicks on a computing device a patient’s condition is explained,” Rosenson explained, “and the family can see their loved one and attending doctor at the same time.”

Another benefit Rosenson noted were the ability to bring in the family’s preferred physician for consultation.

“The technology will allow up to to 50 people in the same session.” Later, he explained that both Sebo’s staff of physicians and Maxwell’s doctors who are hospitalization experts would add layers of quality health care for patients.

Finally, Rosenson asserted that long-term care facilities and hospitals will be assisted by the technology in the current medical insurance and funding situation. 

“Star ratings for hospitals will improve with greatly reduced returning patients, and nursing homes will have their ratings improve with availability of 24/7 care.”

After the presentation, a daughter of a Sebo’s long-term care patient expressed gratitude for the innovative telemedicine access.

“This allows more access to my mom’s doctor, and I’ll know when the doctor’s there,” she said. “I’m pleased with that.”

For more information about Maxwell Telecare, contact arosenson@maxwelltelecare.com or call (855) 629-8353, and for more information about Sebo’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, go to www.sebosrehab.com.