Since 2008, Redwood Landscape has built a reputation as one of the top landscapers in The Region. Alongside his wife Joy, owner Todd Zandstra took his passion for lawn care from humble beginnings to an established, rapidly expanding landscape service. In its earliest form Redwood was a one-man, door-to-door operation, with Zandstra mowing local lawns with his loyal dog Shelby by his side.
“In the beginning it was just me and Shelby mowing lawns,” Zandstra said. “I’d bring her along and she’d sit on customers’ porches while I got the job done.”
When Zandstra realized he wanted to expand his business to something more substantial, he began watching YouTube videos online, learning the ins and outs of landscaping one click at a time.
“A few months later we hired our first employee and bought our first machine that started it all,” Zandstra said.
Constant improvement is a goal that has defined Redwood from the company’s inception.
“We are always developing,” Zandstra said. “Three years ago, I could barely manage one crew and today we’re making it work with three, soon-to-be four.”
Organized growth is dependent on reliable leadership, and the Redwood team is in good supply of guiding hands.

“We all have days where the sky is falling, but we get through it by leaning on each other,” said Office Manager Dawn Bruno. “There’s a sense of security knowing that there will always be someone to give you a pep talk when you need it.”
In the pursuit of any dream there are bound to be times when the magnitude of what is being chased feels overwhelming. When the Redwood going gets tough, Zandstra and his team get going.
“We take on a lot around here, and there are days where you look around you and wonder what you’re doing,” Zandstra said. “When that happens you just have to remember what you’re working for and push through.”
With the right people around, moving through those difficult days becomes a shared effort.
“I’ve got Joy and the rest of the squad in my corner. We balance each other out very well,” Zandstra said. “When one person may not be having the best day, the others come through and carry the load. Positivity is a shared effort around here. We’re always there to pick each other up, especially during the more challenging months.”
Redwood was built on a mentality of generating great results from hard work, and seeing a project through to completion without being afraid to reach for helping hands.
“You don’t quit, you work your butt off, and you always ask for help when you need it,” Zandstra said. “There are always people who know what you don’t, and you can learn a lot from those who have done it already.”
Redwood is constantly evolving, but their growth isn’t a strictly solo effort. Where some companies might view other local landscapers only as competition, Redwood sees them as opportunities for essential feedback.
“We’ve made it a habit to communicate with other local landscapers, sharing tips and tricks and kind of learning the trade together,” Zandstra said. “Look up to the big competitors, learn from the local ones.”
The Redwood team’s ability to move forward stems from placing value in everything they do, even in mistakes.
“When things don’t go as planned you have to accept it and make use of the situation,” Bruno said. “We don’t dwell on what we don’t have.”
“The hardest mistakes to swallow generate the bravest lessons,” Zandstra added. “Mistakes are the greatest moments to learn from.”
Zandstra embraces the excitement of the industry, always looking forward to what the coming day will bring.
“You never know what’s around the corner,” he said. “I love the variety of the job, and the many ways we’re able to provide great service for our customers.”
Redwood trucks can be found roaming The Region year-round, offering services such as mowing, spring and fall cleanup and snow removal.
“We focus on time, quality of work, and availability,” Zandstra said. “Our team is efficient and respectful, and always here to help with questions or concerns.”
The spring season always brings fresh challenges as the industry ramps up for warm weather projects, and this spring has been particularly demanding.
“We’ve taken on way more overhead than we ever have this spring. We’ve brought on some new team members as well, so in a lot of ways it feels like we’re starting from the ground up again,” Zandstra said.
As far as Redwood has come in the past few years, the company is far from done growing. Zandstra’s vision reaches far into the future, and is fueled by taking educated risks with the support of his team. No one knows that better than his wife and co-owner Joy.
“Once Todd has a vision, he will find a way to make it happen,” she said. “We don’t stop him, we just slow him down enough to approach his big ideas wisely.”
“Todd has this great ability to see a completed project clearly before it’s even begun,” Bruno added. “He often has a much larger vision and we can’t always see it, but then you watch it all come together and at the end you just think, ‘Wow’!”
Redwood is currently based in Cedar Lake, though Zandstra hopes to have multiple locations up and running in the coming years.
“Our crews are now established and solid; now we’re working to perfect our systems to follow. Once we complete that process, we’ll be a well-oiled machine and moving toward multiple locations,” Zandstra said. “I want to help as many individuals as I can. At the end of the day that’s what it comes down to – how many people can we help?”
To learn more about Redwood Landscape visit
Or give their office a call at (219)741-2250 to get a quote today!