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Record Number of Student at St. Mary’s Qualify for State Chess Championships

Record Number of Student at St. Mary’s Qualify for State Chess Championships

Sixteen students from St. Mary Catholic Community School recently competed in the Scholastic Chess of Indiana Individual Championships in Indianapolis. “We are proud of these students for qualifying for the tournament and playing with perseverance and good sportsmanship,” said Chess Club Sponsor, Dr. Lisa Mullally.

Highlights for SMS included Jackson Pawlowski finishing in 25th Place and J.J. Mullally finishing in 31st Place in the state in the 8th JV division. Mary Mumaugh (42nd Place) was the highest finisher for SMS in 6th JV, and Nathan Jamrosz (also 42nd Place) had our best record for 3rd grade and under.

Record-Number-of-Student-at-St-Marys-Qualify-for-State-Chess-Championships_02 Our other state qualifiers were James Raggs, Joseph Mullally, Jacob Jen, Saoirse Mullally, Jaxon Froglia, John Mouser, Elijah Wagner, Rachel Mumaugh, Connor Grcevich, Will Huffman, and Elijah Wagner. Emily Jen was able to participate as an alternate and ended the day with one of our best records as well.

St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three year olds) through eight and is the largest school in the Diocese of Gary. St. Mary’s faculty teaches a rich curriculum supported by cutting-edge technology. All students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities such as Chess Club, Craft Club, athletics, academic teams, Spanish Club, Science Olympiad, Scouts, Environmental Club, and more. To learn more about St. Mary’s School’s or schedule a personal tour, visit stmarycp.org/school. St. Mary’s will begin accepting new students for the 2018-2019 school year on February 15, 2018 at 8:00 AM.