Northwest Indiana is a growing area of the country that welcomes many families that make their way to us. And with the families come the homes in which they must reside. So who comes in to play when it’s time to buy or sell a home? There are multiple businesses in the area, but one stands out in particular. Realty Executives Premier, located in downtown Valparaiso, gives home buyers and sellers the people, experience and knowledge to get the job done right on the first try.
The 8th person to be in the spotlight for our REP series is Jason Moon. Moon is an Associate Broker at Realty Executives Premier which has him busy doing things like managing the activities of their new office, recruiting new agents, and buying and selling real estate for clients on a daily basis. Moon works primarily in Lake County; specifically St. John, Crown Point, Dyer, and Schererville. He does, however, do business all over Northwest Indiana.
“I started investing in real estate 15 years ago and it just was a passion of mine since then. After a few years I had so many friends and family members asking for advice in buying/selling/investing for homes that I went ahead and got my license,” Moon said.
Moon lives in Northwest Indiana with his wonderfully supportive wife Paula and two kids (Ella - 7 and Eli - 4). They love to travel, spend time with family and friends, and Moon also loves to bass fish competitively with his dad and cheer on the Blackhawks.
Moon chose to work with Realty Executives because of their vast amount of experience, acceptance and utilization of the latest technology, and their modern approach to real estate transactions.
“Realty Executive Premier's brand of executive level experience and service is what sold me,” Moon said. “Along with it's heavy investment in technology that allows us to serve our customers faster, better, and quicker than the competition. They are progressive and not stuck in the 'old ways' of serving clients in the world of real estate.”
Moon stated that his favorite part about working with real estate is the personal relationships that he has created and held on to with his clients. Moon said that 75% of his business comes from referrals. He feels fortunate to work with such a supportive company and wonderful clients.
“Everyone is very approachable here,” Moon said regarding his fellow co-workers at Realty Executives. “As peers everyone wants each other to succeed. I have not been at another brokerage where it was like this. There are thousands of transactions to be had in NWI real estate and it's great that we all support each other to gain market share even though we are all in the same business.”
And he wanted to note that the transaction process for buying or selling a home take a lot of work and he and his fellow agents at Realty Executives Premier are up to the task.
“We are not here just to make a quick sale. Buying a piece of real estate is a complex and daunting task. We are here to serve our clients, negotiate fair prices, and help them through every step of the way. By doing that, you will have an impressed client for life and more referral business than you can know what to do with,” Moon stated.
And as for advice on getting the most from your home buying or selling experience:
“Search away for homes on the Internet but take the time before even requesting a showing on a home by getting a reputable lender or bank to get you a pre-approval. It shows that you can qualify for a mortgage, are serious about the buying process, and this makes our lives easier when searching for homes for you,” Moon said, concluding.