Thank you to the Neighbors of Courtyards at Peppercreek for hosting a volunteer day, which resulted in 16 neighbors coming together to make a very generous donation of 8 red, white and blue blankets to support the VNA We Honor veterans program.
Pictured (above) are Nancy Tittle, Barb Tropsic, Vivian Fagen, and Janet Christoff presenting 8 blankets to Maria Galka - VNA Development Director.
A very special thank you to Miller's Merry Manor - Portage for selecting VNA Hospice as the recipient of your March Soup & Pie Fundraiser.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this very generous donation possible. The proceeds from the fundraiser will be used to support VNA's hospice program, ensuring that no one is alone during their end-of-life journey.
Thank you to First Presbyterian Resale Shop for featuring VNA Hospice NWI in your window display during the month of March and for donating $2,000 to VNA Meals on Wheels of Porter County!

Did you know the Presbyterian Resale Shop is all about supporting local non-profits? All net profits from the store on Lincolnway are donated to local non-profits. Be sure to check out their store Tuesdays - Saturdays between 11am and 3p.