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NITCO to build High-Speed Fiber Network in Town of Mount Ayr

NITCO to build High-Speed Fiber Network in Town of Mount Ayr

Northwestern Indiana Telephone Co. (NITCO) has announced that it will build a high-speed fiber broadband network in the Town of Mount Ayr, IN starting this month and complete
it this year. The network will replace the existing copper DSL system that NITCO operates throughout
the Town and upgrade the network providing gigabit speed to every resident in community. This
project will be the second fully fibered community in Newton County following the Town of Morocco
fiber project which was completed in 2022.

NITCO Vice President Tom Carroll and Project Manager Don Schoenbeck met this month with the
Town Board and presented the plan. The Town Board was enthusiastic in its support of the project
and encouraged NITCO to move forward with the network construction. Mount Ayr Town Board President Jerry Durflinger stated…"Mount Ayr is very proud and excited to have partnered with NITCO in providing affordable high-speed fiber internet to our residents and business owners. This opportunity truly changes the quality of life for many of our residents; particularly those who work at home. In addition to attracting new residents, it also offers our students improved e- learning capabilities and opens the possibility of residents accessing telemedicine options. Thank you to NITCO and Tim Myers of Newton County Economic Development. Another successful partnership fulfilled for Mount Ayr and Newton County!"

NITCO President Tom Long was pleased to hear that the Town of Mount Ayr was supportive of the
fiber project and had these comments today, “building fiber broadband networks for small rural
communities like Mount Ayr is critical for their survival. We are very pleased that the Town of Mount Ayr
supports and encourages the creation of Newton County’s second and smallest Gigabit community!”

NITCO plant design and project managers are already designing the network and preparing for
construction. Should you have any questions please feel free to visit the NITCO website at
www.nitco.com for more information.

NITCO (Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company, Inc.) is Northwest Indiana’s premier provider
of High-Speed Broadband, Television, and Telephone service for residents and business.