NIRPC’s Public Participation Plan ad hoc Sub-Committee has scheduled a work study session for 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at the NIRPC office at 6100 Southport Road, Portage, Indiana. The public is invited to attend; however as this is a work study session of the ad hoc Sub-Committee, no public comment will be taken. The purpose of the study session is for the ad hoc Sub-Committee to finalize their recommendation to the Transportation Policy Committee and NIRPC Executive Board.
NIRPC is the Metropolitan Planning Organization and regional council of local governments for the three counties of Northwest Indiana. NIRPC provides the forum for local elected officials, regional, leadership, and citizens to address regional issues relating to transportation, the environment and community and economic development. NIRPC seeks to develop consensus solutions with the broadest participation.
For more information, please contact NIRPC at 219-763-6060. TTY users may call 711.