There is a lot of community enthusiasm about the new branch, and one of the questions most asked is “when will it open?!” Branch manager, Brenda Thompson added, “We’re thrilled that it isn’t going to be very much longer!”
Patrons of the Winfield Branch Library shouldn’t have any trouble finding their new library when it opens late September. The new location is just down the street in the Doubletree Plaza located at the corner of Randolph and 109th.
Not much work is needed on the outside, but plenty of work is being done in the interior. The new branch location features over 3,000 square feet of more space. It will offer a public meeting room, more seating, additional public computers, dedicated spaces for Teens and Children, an outside book drop and better parking options.
A ribbon cutting ceremony and grand opening celebration is being planned in October. Please watch for updates on the library’s website at