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Munster High School Speech and Debate Program Named a Top 100 Program in Nation

Munster High SchoolThe National Speech and Debate association has named Munster High School one of the top 100 schools in the nation. Munster High School ranked 56th out of more than 3,000 schools nationwide. In order to earn this award students earn points based on competitive and service related activities, ranging from the Degree of Merit with 25 or more points to the Degree of Premier distinction with 1,500 points or more. The top 100 ranking is the most prestigious membership award the National Speech and Debate association can bestow on a school.

This designation demonstrates Munster High School Speech and Debate program’s outstanding commitment to teaching students essential life skills--including communication, research, listening, writing and organization. Congratulations to program director Jordan Mayer and to all of the Munster High School Speech and Debate members for this remarkable honor.