The Munster High School Science Olympiad team recently traveled to the campus of Indiana University, Bloomington to compete in the Science Olympiad state tournament. For those unfamiliar with the competition, Science Olympiad is a competitive science tournament that tests teams of students across a selection of 23 separate scientific disciplines. Munster High School took state runner up this year, coming up short of Carmel High School’s championship score by 2 points.
This year’s team competed by answering questions related to subjects including astronomy, forensic science, and thermodynamics. They also demonstrated their skills through hands on projects such as the construction of a Rube Goldberg machine and rubber band powered airplane. The team won gold medals (first place) in four different events including:
- Geologic Mapping: Griffin Broviak and Stephen Heritage
- Mission Possible: Justin Lee and Brett Soeka
- Sounds of Music: Stephen Heritage and Emily Shu
- Wright Stuff: Fenry Zhou and Raymond Li and Maverick Broviak
- Write It, Do It: David Bastos and Sophie Hand
They also placed in the top five schools in fourteen of the twenty-three events in total. Munster High School would like to congratulate all of the Science Olympiad students who competed in the State tournament.