The Munster High School Debate Team earned a 3rd place finish at the 2018 IHSFA State Debate Finals at Lafayette Jefferson High School on January 26-27. The following students advanced to the semi-final and final rounds of competition.
Advancing to the Semi-Final Round were:
- Mimi Brody and Priyana Reddy - Semi-Finalists in Public Forum Debate
- Kali Konstantinopoulos and Scott Redding -Semi-Finalists in Public Forum Debate
Advancing to the Final Round were:
- Jaclyn Webber-Finalist in Congressional Debate
- Aidan Chism-Finalist in Congressional Debate
- Cynthia Chockalingham- Finalist in Congressional Debate
- Grace Gozdecki-Finalist in Congressional Debate
- Emma Stricker and Shriya Iyer - State Runners-Up in Public Forum Debate
- Shreyas Iyer and Connor Meyer- STATE CHAMPIONS in Public Forum Debate
Munster High School congratulates all of the members of the Debate Team for their achievements.