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Miller School celebrates Read Across America and beyond

Miller School celebrates Read Across America and beyond

Jennifer Griffin, principal of Miller Elementary School in Merrillville, shows fourth grader Nathan Johnson how to access stories on the bulletin board that was created to mark Read Across America Day, March 2.

The map on the bulletin board contains QR codes linked to volunteer readers in specific geographic locations.

Students, staff and school visitors can use their electronic devices to access videoed read aloud stories created by these volunteers who are located across the United States and beyond, as at least two volunteers live abroad.

Griffin said in addition to celebrating the day, students will get lessons in geography and careers, as readers share their livelihoods with their audiences.

She hopes to expand the map and increase the number of volunteer readers in the future. Griffin also envisions readers signing their books to use as prizes and giveaways to children.

Miller Elementary School Read Across America stories by guest readers are also accessible for a short time on the Miller Elementary School website that can be accessed through the Merrillville Community School Corporation website, www.mvsc.k12.in.us.