Home»Community»Education»Merrillville Intermediate School Supports Haven House with “Socktober”

Merrillville Intermediate School Supports Haven House with “Socktober”

Merrillville Intermediate School Supports Haven House with “Socktober”

Merrillville Intermediate School (MIS) participated in a "Kid President" initiative called Socktober. The goal of Socktober is to host a sock drive, collect as many socks as you can and then donate the socks to a shelter in your community.

All MIS students were invited to bring in new socks from October 3rd through October 27th. The items that we received will be given to a local shelter in our area called Haven House which is an emergency shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

Haven House is a nonprofit organization & their purpose is to provide safe housing and be given the essentials for everyday living and support services. This was MIS' first time participating in Socktober and we are proud to say we collected a grand total of 662 pairs of socks to donate!

mis-socktober-2016-2Ms Herbert & Ms Kent's 5th grade team alone brought in a whopping 180 pairs! Merrillville Intermediate Students and their families truly knocked our socks off with their kindness and generosity in caring for the community.