Mental health with Porter-Starke Services: Identifying issues and seeking solutions

Mental health with Porter-Starke Services: Identifying issues and seeking solutions

When it comes to healthcare, it’s easier to focus more on physical wellness than mental wellness. If someone is experiencing back pain, blurring vision, rashes, or any number of visible symptoms, they will typically do something about the issue, whether that be the use of medicine or a trip to the doctor. Mental health is just as important. In fact, a mental health crisis can be as debilitating as a physical one.

Like any physical ailment, it’s important to address mental health issues as early as possible. Many can be treated and managed through a combination of medicine, counseling, and a robust support system. Reaching out to friends, family, and professional help early can be the difference between a managed condition and a breakdown.

The lack of visible symptoms in the early stages of declining mental health can make it difficult to realize something is wrong before being overwhelmed. Porter-Starke Services offers a plethora of mental health resources, including some of the signs to watch for that may indicate a negative shift in mental health.

Some common symptoms of declining mental health include increased irritability, feelings of anxiety or depression, social withdrawal from family and friends, difficulty falling and/or staying asleep, decreased personal hygiene, and sudden shifts in perception or mood. As mental health deteriorates, more extreme symptoms may arise, such as the misuse of alcohol or drugs and self-harming behaviors.

Knowing how to identify potentially arising mental health issues in yourself and your loved ones is only half the battle. Thankfully, once you know an issue exists, it is quick and easy to begin dealing with it. Once a potential challenge has been identified, a good first step is to reach out. 

Set aside a time to have an open, private conversation about what’s going on. If you believe you’re experiencing mental health issues, speak with someone you trust, sharing as much as you and the other person feel comfortable tackling. If you suspect one of your loved ones is experiencing a decline in mental health, ask open-ended, non-judgemental questions about their well-being. It’s important in both situations to not push either party so far as to risk a communication shutdown.

Once a dialogue has been established, it’s time to begin thinking about seeking professional help. Early diagnosis is integral to having the smoothest recovery possible, so connecting with your doctor is a good direction to go. They can steer you in the direction of counselors and psychiatrists that can help you receive coping skills and medication that make the day easier. Porter-Starke Services recommends having someone close throughout the process for support.

If early diagnosis isn’t possible and you or a loved one are experiencing a mental, emotional, or behavioral crisis, you can seek stabilization and treatment at Porter-Starke Services Inpatient Care Center in Valparaiso, Indiana. The center offers acute psychiatric and therapeutic support 24/7 and helps patients plan not only for the resolution of their immediate crisis but for long-care treatment after discharge.

If you or a loved one are considering self-harm or suicide, take immediate action and contact the Suicide and Crisis lifeline (988), the Emergency Line (911), or go to the nearest emergency room.

Mental health cannot be left to the wayside. If you or a loved one believe that something is wrong, it is best to seek help immediately so that any conditions can be treated and managed before it is too late. It’s safe, quick, and easy to address your mental health. Why wait?

For more information on the mental health options offered by Porter-Starke Services, visit its website or call 219-531-3500.