McColly Real Estate hosts Performance Plus Breakfast

McColly Real Estate hosts Performance Plus Breakfast

On January 25, McColly Real Estate held its annual Performance Plus Breakfast at Innsbrook Country Club to celebrate its deferred compensation program. Many from McColly Real Estate were in attendance for the revealing of the check, unveiling the amount to be dispersed amongst participating agents, and to hear a talk and Q&A from Founder Ron McColly.

McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2024

McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2024 15 Photos
McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2024McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2024McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2024McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2024

The main focus of his talk was to share insights on investing and building long term wealth.

“Today, we are getting our checks for the deferred compensation program. I defer $200 from every closing to be invested. There are a couple different options for them to invest our money in. The one that I chose is the Berkshire Hathaway stock. The money grows for five years, and then in the sixth year, you get your check back with all of the growth plus the company match and its growth,” said Kyle Bowen, a realtor with McColly Real Estate.

Ron McColly’s biggest influence when it comes to investing is Warren Buffett and the late Charlie Munger. He has gained a lot from Buffett’s simplistic way of thinking and expressed the great influence that the book Poor Charlie’s Almanac and its teachings have had on him.  

“I challenge everybody in this room to think of one attribute that accounts for your success. Mine is observant. I have learned so much over the years from going to the annual Berkshire Hathaway meetings and reading the amount that I have about the company,” said Ron McColly.

Today was a celebration of the passion those in attendance have for their work, and the perseverance and ability to take a leap of faith in investing.

One of the biggest takeaways from Ron McColly was the loyalty within McColly Real Estate. Not only is current success a priority, but also future success. The ability to invest has allowed those with McColly Real Estate to build future wealth.

“If you invest directly into your IRAs, then you don't pay taxes on it until you retire. It's just part of what makes this company so great. They provide this opportunity for us to not only earn the money but to create wealth, which is a great learning experience, and prepares you for your retirement in the future,” said Bowen.

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