Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas G. Carter has announced the promotion of Master Trooper Michael J. Meinczinger to the rank of Sergeant to serve as the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Grant and Training Administrator.
Meinczinger is a native of Greenwood, Indiana and a 1991 graduate of Center Grove High School. While studying criminal justice at IUPUI, he began working as a telecommunications operator for the Indiana State Police in 1992 and eventually was promoted to telecommunications supervisor in 1998. Meinczinger was chosen to attend the 57th Indiana State Police Recruit Academy beginning in January of 1999. June 13, 1999 upon graduating from the Indiana State Police Academy he was assigned to the Putnamville Post to patrol Hendricks County. In 2003, Meinczinger transferred back to his home district of Indianapolis to patrol Johnson County, and is most recently assigned to the day shift on the west side of Marion County.
Meinczinger is a field training officer, report management systems (RMS) trainer and a level 2 certified commercial vehicle inspector. Mike currently resides in Hendricks County with his wife and five children.
Sergeant Meinczinger will be assigned to the Indiana State Police Commercial Enforcement Division (CVED) to facilitate the Federal Safety Assistance Program Grant (MCSAP) and coordinate Training for CVED personnel and Troopers. He will be responsible for reviewing, maintaining and filing all reports associated with the MCSAP Grant, as well as seeking new grant opportunities for the division.