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Live Blog: TEDxCountyLineRoad 2015

Live Blog: TEDxCountyLineRoad 2015

And we're live here at County Line Orchard for a "Revolution of Sorts," the theme of the 2015 TEDxCountyLineRoad event!

This year we're in for a treat with speakers including Heather Augustyn, Diego Gonzalez, Todd Larson,Andrea Proulx Buinicki, and Lloyd Reeb.

Be sure to check back on this post as we'll be dating throughout the day, and be sure to follow the #TEDxCLR hashtag and join in on the conversation!

Click here for more photos!

2015-tedx-crowdUpdate 12:59pm: A quick early shout-out goes to County Line Orchard and their staff for all the awesome refreshments on hand!

We're backstage as host John Cain of the South Shore Arts gets ready to go on and the mics are going through a final audio test. We've also got our Photo Guru Anna Hanson on hand sending in some shots all day.

Dave Wellman from the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority is also on the 1's and 2's over at @tedxcountylineroad, so that's a solid follow.

2015-tedx-1Update 1:20pm: John Cain of South Shore Arts returns as host! He was great at least year's event and is everything you want in a host - funny and good on his feet.

We're just under five minutes in and we've already had a trust fall onto a bean bag chair, so we're off to a great start.

Today is all about revolutions - of sorts. The theme of the speakers' topic is going to involve encouraging attendees to be thinking of what they can be doing in their own lives to be 'revolutionary'. Here we go!

2015-tedx-3Update 1:35pm: Todd Larson, financial expert, is today's first speaker. He uses a Neil Diamond concert as an introduction to talking about business cycles, to solving problems with an orphanage in India, so we're all over the place. It all makes sense though, that's just how TEDx rolls.

Through Amazon's power rating, they also became a revolutionary, because they changed who had the power to review.

"They change the way we buy things," he says. "Everyone has peer reviews."

Where do you look? Look for things that don't make sense, where you can use empathy to solve problems.

Great speaker. Moving along!

Today's first video belongs to Brene Brown and The Power of Vulnerability:

2015-tedx-4Update 2:15pm: Lloyd Reeb, life coach, is here to talk about preparing for the second half of your life, something he calls a "midlife renewal."

"Your second half can actually be more productive than your first," he says.

He cites that people value deep, meaningful relationships more as they age and that we should be thinking of that as you move along in life.

He also goes on to share some great stories about people doing really great things with their lives after "retirement".

"Each of those three people did three simple things. They got clear. They got faith. And they got going," he said.

There are some great point here about not being so focused on retiring, but making contributions. It is a great way to think of using the first half of your life by preparing for the second.

"Don't trade what's priceless for something that's merely valuable," he said.

Our second video of the day is Derek Sivers on "How to Start a Movement

2015-tedx-5Update 2:55pm: Andrea Proulx Buinicki comes out and starts us out with a game! It's all about figuring out fundraising and transferring - nay - revolutionizing how we think about raising funds for non-profits.

She draws a picture of how non-profits work, and taking it out of the hands of just those with wealth to give to non-profits. There are two areas that don't work as well, and we'll dive into those two areas.

She shares the stories of success stories and needs of Opportunity Enterprises and the Sojourner Truth House, displaying the differences in how non-profits share their stories, or as she calls them "transformations".

"You need to find a story of transformation to share, then you need to say these words:

Would you consider making a gift to hep someone like (you, me, or insert name) experience this (specific) transformation?

That's it. Let's start a revolution!"

Way to end it, Andrea!

2015-tedx-6Update 3:15pm: Great introduction by John Cain for his "poster child" Diego Gonzalez, who John has seen grow up through the South Shore Arts programs.

Diego is here to talk about how we view art and images, and what is art versus what is graffiti.

We take a look at how we look at art and what we consider art is changing with the works of artists like Bansky, who is flipping the concept of outdoor art on its head with political messages.

He goes on to show a few great examples of how putting graffiti art into a school has transformed how students feel about their school.

"They say, to them, it's like magic," he explained.

He then goes on to show some more examples of success stories in transforming how students are becoming more successful because they are using art in a different way.

The iconic "Hope" image of Barak Obama is one huge example how art, put in a public space, has changed the dynamic of something as important as a presidential election. 

"Art doesn't have to be graffiti or vandalism. It can be a tool for mass communication," he said. "So, art can change the way we view education."

2015-tedx-7Update 3:30pm: Heather Augustyn is our next and final speaker, here to talk about storytelling through recorded oral histories and encouraging everyone to share their stories.

She began talking about her love of ska and reggae music, and her books and research she has done on these topics, which are generally untold stories. She began her research years ago and was able to unearth and share stories of back-up singers and band members because she had her recorder with her in talking to all of these people.

"They were 20 feet from stardom, but now they're on center stage," she says. 

"Of all the oral histories I've recorded are with my own grandparents, she continues. "Don't let our histories die before we have a chance to record them."

Update 3:40pm: The event is closing with a Q&A with the speakers and a neat #RegionProud video that will be abuzz once it is released. This was a great event and kudos to all involved on organizing and planning an excellent event.

We'll give them a shout-out below, but from being here all day and hearing everyone's stories, it is clear that there are many out here who can learn from the lessons shared. Anytime you can get 100+ people in a barn on a November day to talk about starting a revolution of sorts, its going to be a good day.

2015-tedx-8Planning Committee includes:

Shellie Dell, Lake Area United Way Donor Relations & Marketing Manager; Nichole DeMario, Northwest Indiana Association of REALTORS® Director of Communications & Professional Development; Ali Ghalayini, St. Mary Medical Medical Center Manager of Special Projects; Matt Glaros, Meyers Glaros Group Chief Strategy Officer; Josh Jamison, Skytone Media Owner; Richard Leverett, AT&T Northern Indiana Director of External Affairs; Eddie Melton, NIPSCO Governmental & Community Relations Manager; Summer Moore, Times Media Company Deputy Editor for Audience Engagement; Jonathan Peller, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Financial Advisor; Dana Rifai, Burke, Costanza & Carberry Associate Attorney; Matt Saltonovitz, Northwest Indiana Forum Economic Development Director; Mackenna Schon, Porter County United Way Assistant Director; Jason Topp, Ameriprise Financial Franchise Owner; Candice Villagrana, Old Plank Trail Community Bank, a Wintrust Company Senior Vice President; Jamie Wayne, Digital Target Marketing Graphic/Web Designer; Celina Weatherwax, Weatherwax Strategies Owner; Dave Wellman, Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority Communications Manager & Angie Williams, Lake Area United Way Director of Community Impact

Subcommittee Chairs & Members Include:

2015-tedx-signA/V – Chair Josh Jamison, Jamie Wayne, Richard Leverett & Celina Weatherwax
Logistics – Chair Shellie Dell, Matt Glaros, Jonathan Peller, & Mackenna Schon
Public Relations/Marketing – Chair Nichole DeMario, Eddie Melton, Summer Moore, Candice Villagrana & Dave Wellman
Speakers – Chair Matt Saltanovitz, Jason Topp, Dana Rifai & Angie Williams
Sponsorships – Chair Matt Glaros & Angie Williams
TEDx Experience – Chair Jason Topp & Ali Ghalayini