Home»Other»Let’s Talk: A Community Conversation

Let’s Talk: A Community Conversation

Lets-Talk-Flyer-w-SAMSHAThe Porter County Substance Abuse Council is sponsoring a community-wide event to explore the issues around underage drinking and heroin use/abuse. The event will be held May 21 at WaterBird Banquet and Conference Center, 556 Indian Boundary Road, Chesterton. Doors open at 5:15 p.m. The program runs from 5:45 until 7:45.

This SAMHSA-sponsored event features Chestnut Health Systems prevention experts Alan Markwood, Director of Prevention Services and Tim Cramer, Prevention Trainer. They are the keynote speakers at the event.

Everyone is welcome and invited to this free event. Light refreshments will be served. Attendees are asked to register at info@portercountysac.org or by calling 219-462-0946.