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Leadership Life: Dr. Amy McCormack shares insight into educational success at CCSJ

Leadership Life: Dr. Amy McCormack shares insight into educational success at CCSJ

Editor’s Note: Check out this compilation of all the professionals from the region we’ve interviewed for the Leadership Life Series, in one convenient place!

In this next installment of the Leadership Life Series, Dr. Amy McCormack, President of Calumet College of St. Joseph, highlights how CCSJ’s focus on connecting students is a big part of their success as an educational institution. At CCSJ, You Belong. Strategically, the college is focused on connecting students to each other, faculty, resources, the world around them, and all the stakeholders who can help them garner the optimal educational experience and propel them to success. Dr. McCormack is the 7th president in the school’s history. A native of Frankfort, Indiana, she received her doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania, and previously served as the Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration at Dominican University near Chicago, where she also earned her MBA in Finance and Marketing Connections. Join us for this insightful series to see how this life-long learner inspires others around her.

Two years in

Dr. Amy McCormack provides insights into her first two years as President at Calumet College of St. Joseph.

The value of travel

When Dr. Amy McCormack traveled internationally recently, she had a forced disconnect because she didn't have access to electronics. It was an experience she recommends to everyone, and she encourages everyone to experience other cultures to enrich the lives of those around them.

Advice to students & the future of CCSJ

Dr. Amy McCormack encourages students to never doubt their abilities, and gives highlights of Calumet College of St. Joseph's strategic plan centered on helping students learn, connecting students to stakeholders, cultivating a positive work environment, and building a sustainable institution.

The CCSJ Wave

Dr. Amy McCormack says that faculty and staff at Calumet College of St. Joseph want students to know one thing above all: You Belong.