Home»Other»Lake County Public Library Helps with Education for Youth in the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center

Lake County Public Library Helps with Education for Youth in the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center

Lake-County-Juvenile-Dentention-Center-DonationLake County Public Library has partnered with the Education Department of Lake County Juvenile Detention Center to provide library services to the residents of the facility.

To assist the staff in creating an in-house library, the Friends of the Lake County Public Library organization donated several 100 young adult books.

Chief Deputy Mark Price and Dr. Geraldine Giglio picked up the first donation on Friday, September 5, 2014.

Library cards have been issued to Education Department staff and training on library online resources will be scheduled. A bin of Young Adult titles will be made available for the Education Department to checkout on a monthly basis.

“The library welcomes this opportunity to work with Chief Deputy Mark Price and Dr. Geraldine Giglio and her staff at the Center”, said Carolyn Strickland, Lake County Public Library Assistant Director.

Mark Price, Chief Deputy of the Lake County Superior Court of the Juvenile Division stated, “We are thrilled to be part of this partnership that gives our youths access to collections of books to meet their education and leisure interests. For our students, your donation of books will hopefully open new horizons of success for a better future.”