Teens are invited to join in this month-long online book discussion available at any time of day from anywhere of: 'Looking for Alaska by John Green.' A witty teen manages to be credible as the overlooked kid, but he's also an articulate spokesperson for the legions of teens searching for the meaning of life. Readers will plunge headlong into the labyrinth of life, love, and the mysteries of being human. To participate send an email to teenreads@lcplin.org. For more details call 769-3541, Ext. 335.
BOOKreMARKS Online This is a month-long online book discussion available to anyone, anywhere, at any time of day through email. A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, 'The Art of Racing in the Rain' by Garth Stein is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life...as only a dog could tell it. To join the discussion send an email to remarks@lcplin.org.
Contact: Linda Johnsen 374-7121
Cedar Lake – The Cedar Lake Branch Library, 10010 W. 133rd Avenue, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/cl.htm or call 374-7121.
Crochet @ Your Library Monday, June 2 7 p.m. Have you ever wanted to learn to crochet? Join us and learn beginning stitches while working on a simple project. Bring a skein of 100% cotton yarn and a size H crochet hook. Contact the library for project details.
History on Film Tuesday, June 10 2 p.m. Travel through history via the library's big screen. Explore the life of Albert Einstein, whose theories recast man's relationship with the universe.
Dr. Who Night Monday, June 16 6:30 p.m. Adults & teens--Enjoy Whovian fun with crafts, games, food, & more! Registration is not required.
Travel the World Without Leaving Home Tuesday, June 24 2 p.m. Enjoy arm chair travel via the library's big screen. Discover spectacular back country wonders unseen by tourists as you venture off the beaten track to experience the extraordinary hidden wilderness of Yellowstone National Park. 2
Contact: Holly Koster 374-7121
Cedar Lake – The Cedar Lake Branch Library, 10010 W. 133rd Avenue, is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/cl.htm or call 374-7121.
Crafts & More @ the Library! June 2-30 All Day All month long enjoy crafts & more for all ages, along with early literacy activities for families & young children! It's always fun @ the library!
Snack & Plan Monday, June 2 4 p.m. Members of T.A.B., Teen Advisory Board, and those wishing to join (12 and older) will have fun while earning volunteer hours. Eat, play games, plan programs for teens & younger kids, along with other volunteer activities.
Summer Reading Volunteer Meeting Monday, June 2 4 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Students ages 11 to 17 who want to help with the children's Summer Reading program should plan to attend this meeting. Learn the duties of a volunteer and sign up for hours. Volunteers will get also get an application, which must be signed by their parents. Parents are welcome to attend this meeting.
Story Hour for 4 & 5 Year Olds Tuesdays, June 3, 10, 17, 24 10:30 a.m. Or 1 p.m. 4 and 5 year olds will hear stories and participate in music activities, rhymes, crafts, and other activities, with an emphasis on important early pre-reading skills. Check our blog for a hint at this week's theme!
Wildcard Wednesday Wednesday, June 4 4 p.m. Teens, 11 and older, drop in for D-I-Y crafts, projects, and/or activities. All materials and snacks will be provided.
LEGO Mania Thursday, June 5 4:30 p.m. Children through grade 6 will make and display their own LEGO creations made with library LEGO bricks! All supplies and snacks will be provided. Preschool children must be accompanied by an adult.
Mother Goose on the Loose Friday, June 6 10:30 a.m. Or 11:30 a.m. Babies and toddlers, birth to 36 months of age, will participate in stories, nursery rhymes, finger plays, and music activities designed to enhance important pre-literacy skills.
Fizz! Boom! Read! Kickoff Science Festival Saturday, June 7 1-3 p.m. Children of all ages will enjoy science activities and experiments throughout the library! Sign up for the Summer Reading Program at the same time! Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Gross-Out Science Mon., June 9 & Tues., June 10 4 p.m. Teens will experiment and create with all things sticky, slimy and gross, even some you can yeat. Yum! All materials will be on hand.
Teen GameFest Friday, June 10 1 p.m. Teens, 11 and older, play games of your choice, including PlayStation and Wii. Compete in tournaments for prizes...snacks, too!
Jedi Training Camp Wednesday, June 11 6:30-8 p.m. Children of all ages will participate in activities to train them to become Jedi knights. Is the force strong with you? Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Toddler Time Thursday, June 12 10:30 a.m. Toddlers, 2 and 3 years of age accompanied by a caregiver, will participate in stories, finger plays, music activities, crafts, and more. Activities will help to develop important pre-literacy skills.
Messy Science Wednesday, June 18 2 p.m. Children who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade will hear a story and conduct experiments. Be srue to wear clothes that can get messy.
Sensational Science Thursday, June 19 4 p.m. Experiment, plan, build, and compute, Open to anyone in middle or high school, presented in collaboration with Boy Scouts of America and their initiative to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) to scouts and non-scouts, guys and girls. Please be sure to pre-register for this sensational program.
It's Alive! Wednesday, June 25 2 p.m. Children who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade will learn about amazing plants and animals through stories, games, and other activities.
Teen GameFest Thursday, June 26 3-5 p.m. Play Wii, PlayStation, and/or board games. Participate in a tournament, too. Snacks and pop provided.
Microwave Science: Blow It Up, Eat It Up: Food, Soap & More Friday, June 27 1 p.m. Teens will experiment with sometimes amazing and sometimes delicious results. Watch it, wear it, eat it – all from the microwave!
Bubble Mania Monday, June 30 6:30 p.m. Children of all ages can experiment with bubbles and bubble makers. Paint with bubbles, too. Enjoy stories and music, as we explore the science of bubbles.
Contact: Sarah Schmidt 322-4732
Schererville– The Dyer-Schererville Branch Library, 1001 Lincoln Highway (US 30), is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/ds.htm or call 322-4731.
Heartland Blood Drive Monday, June 2 12-4 p.m. The Heartland Blood Center Coach will be stationed in the library parking lot. Please call to schedule an appointment to donate blood.
Independent Film Monday, June 2 1 p.m. Watchtower: A man and a woman are seeking refuge from the world when their lives collide and each has to fight his or her battle of conscience before the other. In Turkish with English subtitles. Not rated; adults only. Running time 100 min. Registration not required.
Dyer-Schererville Branch Library's 20th Anniversary Wednesday, June 4 All Day Enjoy refreshments, slide presentations, and graphic displays celebrating the 20 fabulous years that the Dyer-Schererville Branch has been open.
Stamp Class Tuesday, June 10 6:30 p.m. There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials provided to design and create customized greeting cards and is due at the time of the class. Please bring a glue stick.
Virtual Tourist Wednesday, June 18 7 p.m. Journey to Western Ireland, Alaska, and the Austrian Alps. Sample a food item from one or more of the locales.
Between the Lines Wednesday, June 25, 7 p.m. or Thursday, June 26, 10:15 a.m. Join us as we discuss “You Know When the Men Are Gone” by Siobhan Fallon, a collection of interconnected stories of Fort Hood military wives. Registration not required.
Contact: Marge Blum 322-4732
Schererville– The Dyer-Schererville Branch Library, 1001 Lincoln Highway (US 30), is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/ds.htm or call 322-4731.
Fun Fair Wednesday, June 11 1-3 p.m. Our official summer reading kick-off promises fun for children of all ages! There will be games, refreshments, face painting and more! Listen to stories in the children's program room and sign up for summer reading to begin earning prizes! Registration not required.
Dynamite DUPLOs Thurs., June 12 & Tues., June 17 & Mon. June 23 10:30 a.m. This is a 30 minute program for 2-5 year old children, with a caregiver, and includes simple patterning and building activities with DUPLO blocks.
LEGO Club Thursday, June 12 2 p.m. School age children in kindergarten to grade 6 will use their creativity to build unique projects with the library's LEGO bricks.
Mother Goose on the Loose Mondays, June 16 & 30 10:30 a.m. & Tuesday, June 24 10:30 a.m. Mother Goose on the Loose is a 30 minute interactive nursery rhyme program for 6 to 23 month old infants and toddlers accompanied by a caregiver. It includes rhymes, stories, music, and movement.
Story Hour for 4s & 5s Mondays, June 16, 23, 30 1:30 p.m. or Tuesdays, June 17 & 24 1:30 p.m. Preschool children, ages 4-5 years, will enjoy stories, songs, activities, a short film and a craft.
Story Time for 2s & 3s Wednesday, June 18 10:15 a.m. Or 11:15 a.m. Young children ages 2-3 years, along with their caregivers, will enjoy stories, songs, activities and a craft. This program lasts approximately 40 minutes.
Tie Die Fun! Thursday, June 19 10:30 a.m. To design a one-of-a-kind item, children must bring cotton clothing from home to tie dye (t-shirt, socks, or a pillowcase). This will be messy -- wear old clothes and bring a plastic bag!
Teen T-shirt Dyeing Thursday, June 19 2 p.m. Middle through high school ages will design a one-of-a-kind item. Bring washed cotton clothing from home to dye (t-shirt, socks, or even a pillowcase). This will be messy -- wear old clothes and bring a plastic bag!
Lunchtime Movie Friday, June 20 Noon All ages will watch a family favorite on the library big screen! Enjoy this story following the exploits of Simba, a lion cub, who cannot wait to become king of the jungle. You may bring a lunch but please no red drinks. Registration is not required. Rated G - Runtime 88 minutes
Meet Maisy Wednesday, June 25 2 p.m. Meet Maisy, that lovable mouse, as stories about her adventures are read. Bring a camera and have your picture taken with Maisy.
Amazing Science Experiments Thursday, June 26 2 p.m. Children are invited to join us for awesome science experiments!
Lunchtime Movie Friday, June 27 Noon All ages will watch a family favorite on the library big screen! When a young clownfish is captured and taken to a dentist's office aquarium, his father and friends make an epic journey to bring him home. You may bring a lunch or snack but please no RED drinks. Rated G-Runtime 100 minutes. Registration is not required.
Contact: Chris Rettig 838-2825
Griffith – The Griffith-Calumet Township Branch Library, 1215 E. 45th Avenue, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/gr.htm or call 838-2825.
What to Read Next June 2 to 30 Looking for a good book to read? Interested in discovering new authors? Need suggestions for your book club? Call any day during library hours to schedule an appointment with Chris, our adult reader's adviser, and start building your list of books to read next.
Geocaching 101 Monday, June 2 6:15 p.m. Join the global treasure hunt! Geocache instructor 'Jo2Cats' will demonstrate the basics of geocaching using GPS-enabled devices. This engaging outdoor hobby is great for individuals or families and fun for young and old alike. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is not required.
Paper Creations Tuesday, June 3 1 p.m. & Tuesday, June 17 6:30 p.m. Design personalized cards and other paper creations. Learn, practice, and enjoy creating with paper, rubber stamps, and ink. The $5 fee covers materials and is due at the time of the class. Bring adhesive and scissors. Registration before Monday at 7:00 p.m. is required.
StoryLovers Book Group Tuesday, June 3 5:30 p.m. or Wednesday, June 4 10:30 a.m. Heartbreaking, haunting, and ultimately life-affirming, 'Best Kept Secret by Amy' Havatny is the story of how the secrets we hold closest are the ones that can most tear us apart.
Thursday Threaders Thursdays, June 5, 12, 19 & 26 10:30 a.m. To Noon Like to cross-stitch, knit, crochet, or do any other craft? Every Thursday, bring and work on your own project while enjoying the company of others.
Adult Summer Reading Events Begin June 9 to August 2 All Day Fill out entry forms for the books, audiobooks, and magazines you read to be eligible for weekly prize drawings. Write a short review or get 'bingo' by reading in 5 different categories for an extra chance to win.
Mystery Loves Co. Discussion Monday, June 9 1 p.m. While competing in a fishing tournament, Minnesota investigator Virgil Flowers gets a call to investigate a murder at a nearby resort, where a woman has been shot while kayaking. Readers will discuss 'Rough Country' by John Sandford.
Blood Pressure Screening Tuesday, June 17 10:30 a.m. To Noon Free blood pressure screenings offered by professional medical representatives.
Movie Wednesday Wednesday, June 18 2 p.m. On a routine spacewalk disaster strikes leaving two astronauts alone in space tethered to nothing but themselves. The film stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney with a run time of 91 minutes.
Gardening Class Monday, June 23 2 p.m. Worms are more than just slimy, squishy, squeal-inducing wigglers. Master gardener Mary Jo Weaver's hands-on program for all ages will demonstrate how worms can also eat garbage and create compost to fertilize gardens.
AARP Smart Driver Course Tuesday, June 24 11 a.m. To 3 p.m. Refresh your driving skills by learning defensive driving techniques, proven safety strategies, and new traffic laws and rules of the road. No tests to pass. Bring your driver's license and AARP card (if you have one). $15 fee for AARP members; $20 for non-members. To register, call Jeanette Pike at 219-949-6307.
Inspire, Create and Excite (ICE): A New Approach to Parenting Wednesday, June 25 6 p.m. Strategies For Care representatives can help families cultivate healthy options for resolving conflict and increase positive relationships. For details about the program contact Strategies For Care at 219-741-5787 or email info@strategiesforcare.org
Book Buddies Monday, June 30 4 p.m. 'Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption' is an inspiring true story of a man who lived through a series of catastrophes almost too incredible to be believed. Author Laura Hillenbrand recounts a tale of heroism, cruelty, life, death, joy, suffering, remorselessness, and redemption.
Contact: Marianne Deffenbaugh 838-2825
Griffith – The Griffith-Calumet Township Branch Library, 1215 E. 45th Avenue, is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/gr.htm or call 838-2825.
Volunteer Meeting Monday, June 2 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 3 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 7 10:30 a.m. Students in grade 5 and up who want to be volunteers this summer need to attend a meeting for both new and former volunteers.
Preschool Story Hour for 4s & 5s Tuesdays, June 3 & 17 1 p.m. Preschoolers, ages 4 & 5, will get a jump on summer reading with stories about music, then we will make musical instruments to play and take home.
Story Time for 2s & 3s Wednesdays, June 4 & 18 10:30 a.m. Children, ages 2 & 3, will enjoy musical stories and then make hummers & shakers to play and take home.
Family Scrabble Night Thursday, June 5 6 p.m. Families are invited to an evening of playing scrabble—have fun as you increase your vocabulary.
It's Snot Tuesday, June 10 2 p.m. or 6 p.m. Children, ages 6 to 10, will make yellow-green slime.
Mother Goose on the Loose Wednesdays, June 11 & 25 10:30 a.m. Babies and toddlers, birth to 23 months of age accompanied by a caregiver, will enjoy stories, music finger play, games, and the rhymes of Mother Goose.
Atomic Slime Wednesday, June 11 2-3:30 p.m. Young Adults, ages 11 and older, will make slime & then give it an atomic glow.
Captain Underpants Thursday, June 12 6 p.m. Join the fun as we do the 'Ants in your Pants Dance' and more fun crafts, with games & food all inspired by 'Captain Underpants.'
Bea the Bee Saturday, June 14 11 a.m. The Lake County Fair's mascot, Bea the Bee, will be here to read to the children. There will be bookmark, sticker and more small prizes and a grand prize of gate passes to the Lake County Fair. Registration is not required.
LEGO Mania Monday, June 16 4 p.m. Children in kindergarten through 6th grade will build with the library's LEGO blocks.
Exploding Art Thursday, June 19 2 p.m. Children should wear old clothing as we try to set off many rockets that explode in a rainbow of colors. Preschoolers need to be with a parent or adult caregiver. (We will be outside on the patio)
I Scream,You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream! Tuesday, June 24 1:30 p.m. Children, ages 6 to 10, will make ice cream--then they will eat their treat. We will be out on the patio, again. Registration is not required.
Ice Cream Lab Wednesday, June 25 2 p.m. Young Adults, ages 12 and older, will make vanilla ice cream and talk about chemical reactions.
Novel Talk Thursday, June 26 12:30 p.m. Middle graders (grade 4-8) can share their ideas about reading. Bring a sack lunch (the library will furnish lemonade) and the best book you read this past school year. If you don't have the book, just bring the title and why you think we should be reading it. Registration is not necessary.
Graphic Novel Book Club Thursday, June 26 6:30 p.m. Teen fans of Graphic Novels are welcome to join in or just come to see how this book discussion is run and then join us next month. This evening we will be discussing “Cantarella” by Yk Higuri.
It's Magic Monday, June 30 2 p.m. Have you ever wondered how they do that? Learn some easy tricks, or bring a harder one from home if you already dabble in magic tricks. Pick a trick, we will practice for the next four Mondays in July. On July 28th we will present our Magic Show. Tricks will be judged and the best will be awarded a fantastic prize!
Contact: Bob Mele or Susan Gempka 838-2394
Highland – The Highland Branch Library, 2810 Jewett Street, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/hi.htm or call 838-2394.
History on Film Monday, June 2 2 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Follow the story of Mother Teresa whose phenomenal labors on behalf of the poor, unwanted, and needy earned her the name the Saint of the Gutters. Registration not required.
Fiction Book Discussion Tuesday, June 10 2 p.m. Two star-crossed lovers meet and separate, until, finally, the power of their love changes both of their lives forever. Read 'The Shoemaker's Wife' by Adriana Trigiani.
Travel Film Monday, June 16 2 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Visit Gran Canaria, probably the most colorful member of the Canary Islands. Registration not required.
Stamp Camp Wednesday, June 18 6:30 p.m. With professional assistance, design and complete customized greeting cards and more. There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials provided due at the time of the class.
Inspirational Book Discussion Thursday, June 19 2 p.m. Lynn Austin brings to life the difficult years of Reconstruction by interweaving a mother daughter and freed slave in the riveting tale of “All Things New.” Registration not required.
Gardening Class Thursday, June 19 6:30 p.m. Master Gardener Dian Fruth will present a class on butterfly gardens.
Classic/Feature Film Monday, June 23 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. Whoopi Goldberg stars as a Reno lounge singer who accidentally witnesses a brutal murder carried out by her gangster boyfriend, masquerades as nun and shakes up the order of sisters while enlivening their choral efforts. Registration not required. (96 min)
Once Upon a Crime Thursday, June 26 7 p.m. This non-fiction selection, “After Visiting Friends: A Son's Story” is the account of a man who goes searching for his father, and in the journey discovers new love and admiration for his mother. Registration not required.
Classic/Feature Film Monday, June 30 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. In this comedy drama, Walter (Haley Joel Osment) is a shy and bookish boy just short of his teens whose mother impulsively decides to leave him for the summer with his eccentric grand-uncles, Hub (Robert Duvall) and Garth (Michael Caine). Registration not required. (110 min)
Contact: Cathy Watts 838-2394
Highland – The Highland Branch Library, 2810 Jewett Street, is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/hi.htm or call 838-2394.
Teen Book Discussion Wednesday, June 4 2 p.m. In “Hatchet,” Brian Robeson survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness and must learn to survive with only a hatchet and his own wits. Registration is not required.
Teens - How to Survive a Zombie Attack Monday, June 9 6 p.m. Remember the Zombie Village and catapults we made? Well it's time to use them as we storm the village and make containers for a zombie disaster supply kit! (Preparedness idea courtesy of the CDC).
Tiny Tot Playdate Tuesday, June 10 10:30 a.m. Various simple play will be set up around the children's room that parents, caregivers, and very young children (babies and toddlers 3 years of age and younger) can explore together. Come for 15 minutes or stay for the entire hour. Registration is not required.
Summer Reading Open House Thursday, June 12 1-3 p.m. The fun really takes off at the library's annual Summer Reading Open House. Kids of all ages will enjoy games, refreshments, face painting, and stories! Registration not required.
Brown Bag Movie Friday, June 13 12:30 p.m. Children, accompanied by an adult, will see this week's film based on a book by William Joyce. It's the story of a boy with a lifelong wish to belong, and shows what happens when he meets an incredible collection of characters. Bring your lunch and a beverage, we will provide the popcorn and movie. No RED drinks please! Rated G, Runtime 96 minutes
Teens - Mad Scientists On Call Monday, June 16 6-8 p.m. Last call for our scientists to rehearse the upcoming 'Mad Scientist' program for school aged children. Teens who would like to watch the experiments are welcome! Registration not required.
It's Ronald McDonald! Tuesday, June 17 2 p.m. Join us for “It's Book Time With Ronald McDonald!” Ronald will entertain with puppets, magic and group participation! Don't forget to bring your cameras - Ronald will pose for pictures with you.
Mother Goose on the Loose Tuesday, June 17, 6:30 p.m. Or Wednesday, June 18, 10:30 a.m. Babies and toddlers, 6 to 36 months of age, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy this 30 minute interactive nursery rhyme program filled with rhymes, books, music, and movement.
Teen Advisory Board Wednesday, June 18 2 p.m. Snacks will be served as we set up for our 'Mad Scientist' program. Volunteer time is earned. Registration is not required.
Mad Scientists Thursday, June 19 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Children who have completed kindergarten and older are invited to become a 'mad scientist' taking part in fun scientific experiments provided by the Teen Advisory Board! Lab coat is optional.
Brown Bag Movie Friday, June 20 12:30 p.m. Children, accompanied by an adult, will see this week's film about a forgetful college professor who creates extremely resilient flying rubber, dubbed 'flubber.' Bring your lunch and a beverage, we provide the popcorn. No red drinks, please. Rated: G Runtime: 97 minutes.
Tremendous 2s & 3s Story Time Monday, June 23 10:30 a.m. 2 and 3 year old children, along with their caregivers, will enjoy stories, finger plays, music, a craft and other early literacy enhancing activities during this 40 minute lap-sit program all about Thomas the Tank Engine!
Teens Mythbusters Monday, June 23 6 p.m. Wonder, guess, test, discover and share....teens will try to prove or bust common scientific myths. Materials provided, please be sure to register.
Family Story Hour Tuesday, June 24 6:30 p.m. Families with children, 3 to 6 years old, will enjoy stories, finger plays, music, and a craft. Tonight's stories will be about robots!
Fabulous 4's, 5's & 6's Story Hour Wednesday, June 25 10:30 a.m. Children will enjoy stories, finger plays, music, related activities and a craft all about robots.
LEGO Club Wednesday, June 25 3:30 p.m. School age children (kindergarten to 6th grade) are invited to free build theme with the library's LEGO blocks. They may also bring a construction from home for 'show and tell.' Parents of children in kindergarten through 2nd grade should plan to stay in the room with their child.
Robots Thursday, June 26 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade will work in small groups to construct robots from recycled objects. Finished robots will be put on display for the rest of Summer Reading! If you have small items that could be an interesting addition to your group's robot, bring them along.
Brown Bag Movie Friday, June 27 12:30 p.m. Children, accompanied by an adult, will see this week's film about an endearing little robot, known as “Number 5,” that is struck by lightning and escapes from an experimental electronics firm.Bring your lunch and a beverage, we provide the popcorn. No red drinks, please. Rated: PG Runtime: 99 minutes
Contact: Lacey Klemm 942-2243
Hobart – The Hobart Branch Library, 100 Main Street, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/ho.htm or call 942-2243.
Adult Learning Classes Mon. - Thurs, June 2-26 Noon-8 p.m. Attend classes to prepare for your G.E.D., adult basic education, or English as a second language on Monday & Wednesday Noon to 4pm or 4pm to 8pm; or Tuesday & Thursday from Noon to 4pm. Registration is required by calling Lynn Pergher, ext. 672.
Super Scrabble Monday! Monday, June 2 2-4 p.m. Adults looking to sharpen or show off their word skills are invited to come play Scrabble and socialize with others.
Quench Your Thirst Tuesday's Tuesday, June 3-24 12-2 p.m. Come to the library any Tuesday to enjoy a cold refreshing beverage as you relax while taking a break from the summer heat.
Travel Movie Tuesday, June 3 2 p.m. Travel to Athens and see both it's famous ancient and modern monuments. Refreshments will be served.
Pollinators Gardening Class Wednesday, June 4 2 p.m. Master Gardener Dian Furth offers a lively presentation on Pollinators.
Tea & Television Thursday, June 5 2 p.m. This TV drama centers on the Crawley family and their servants in the season 2, episode 9 Christmas special. Run time of 93 min. Refreshments served.
Book Giveaway June 7-30 All Day Free books for adults, teens, and children from our book sale room anytime during library open hours for those submitting a book review. See circulation desk for details.
Tuesdays with Movies Tuesday, June 10 2 p.m. Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) tries to convince P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson) to bring her beloved character, Mary Poppins, to the big screen. Rated PG-13; running time of 125 minutes; Refreshments served.
Who Picked this Book? Tuesday, June 17 10:30 a.m. Rebecca Makkai's “The Borrower” is full of books, libraries, cross country hijinks, punitive parenting, love gone wrong, and friendships gone right. Come chat and enjoy the refreshments made by the baking librarian.
Stamp Camp Thursday, June 19 6:30 p.m. Design personalized cards and other paper creations. Learn, practice, and enjoy creating with paper, rubber stamps, and ink. The $5 fee covers materials and is due at the time of the class. Bring scissors.
Contact: Karin Olsen 942-2243
Hobart – The Hobart Branch Library, 100 Main Street, is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/ho.htm or call 942-2243.
Kids Craft Table June 2-30 All Day All month long children can make a craft at our kids craft table. Stop by the circulation desk for the supplies. Registration is not required.
LEGO Night Tuesday, June 3 6 p.m. School age children (kindergarten to grade 6) in this one hour program, will have fun working with LEGO bricks as they use their imagination to create unique structures.
Mother Goose on the Loose Wednesdays, June 4 & 18 10:15 a.m. Babies and toddlers, birth to 23 months of age accompanied by a caregiver, will hear, in this half-hour, interactive program, stories and participate in songs and finger plays.
Summer Reading Volunteer Meeting Thursday, June 5 6:30 p.m. 'Tweens and Teens, ages 10 and up, are invited to help us out through volunteering for our Summer Reading programs. A parent must attend to fill out the youth volunteer application. Registration is not required.
Book Giveaway June 7-30 All Day The Hobart Branch library will give away free books for teens, and children from our book sale room anytime during library open hours. To receive a free book, simply submit a book review to be published on our 'Book Nook' blog. Stop at the front desk for details. Three entries per person, per month.
Toddler Time Mondays, June 9 & 23, 11:15 a.m. & Tuesday, June 10, 6:30 p.m. Toddlers (2 and 3 years of age accompanied by a caregiver) will hear stories, songs, and participate in finger plays. They will also make a simple craft.
Teen and Tween Craft Catapults Monday, June 9 2 p.m. Teens and 'Tweens (11 and older) will make catapults using bamboo skewers and marshmallows and then have a blast trying them out!
Learning Italian for Kids Tuesdays, June 10, 17 & 24 Noon Instructor Mollie Ivaldi will teach children (ages 6-10) five words of Italian at each session. Children will need to bring a notebook. Registration is required as seating is limited.
PreSchool Story Hour Tuesdays, June 10 & 24 1:30 p.m. Preschool age children, 4 to 5 years of age, will hear and participate in stories, songs, finger plays, and make a craft.
Summer Reading Kick Off Party Wednesday, June 11 2-4 p.m. Start off the summer right with a party all around the library for families to play games, make crafts, and read books to get your reading card started. Registration is not required.
Origami Yoda Thursday, June 12 2 p.m. Children will hear a story and learn about the funny book series called 'Origami Yoda' written and illustrated by Tom Angleberger. They will also craft Origami Yodas, as presented in the book 'The Strange Case of Origami Yodas.'
Teen Movie Monday, June 16 2 p.m. An unlikely romance between a human teen and a sensitive undead (zombie) slacker sets off a chain of events that with the power to transform the world. This movie is rated PG-13 and has a running time of 112 minutes. Snacks will be served.
Evening Family Movie Tuesday, June 17 6 p.m. Everyone is invited to this PG rated, 90 minute, animated film that was inspired by a beloved children's book. It focuses on a town where food falls from the sky like rain. Children can wear their pajamas, bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and a stuffed animal. Popcorn and lemonade served.
Discover the Indiana Dunes Thursday, June 19 2 p.m. School age children will hear Kipp Walton from the Dunes National Lakeshore talk about the Indiana Dunes. He will also bring animal furs for children to touch.
Super Scrabble Saturday! Saturday, June 21 10 a.m. - Noon All are welcome to play Scrabble and other games enjoying the company of others.
Teen Gaming Tuesday, June 24 4-5:30 p.m. Teens and 'tweens (who have completed grade 4 and up) are invited to teen gaming. Teens will play Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers on the Wii. Snacks will be served.
Rainbow Bubble Snakes Thursday, June 26 2 p.m. School age children will hear a story and craft rainbow bubble snakes! These fun bubble makers are made from a plastic bottle and a thick sock. We will supply the plastic bottle. Please bring a thick sock.
Contact: Linda Phillips 962-2409
Lake Station– The Lake Station-New Chicago Branch Library, 2007 Central Avenue, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/lsnc.htm or call 962-2409.
Book Chat Thursday, June 5 10:30 a.m. “The Chaperone” by Laura Moriaty will be discussed. Check out book - read it- have opinion - eat snacks.
Computer Class--Meet the Mouse Tuesday, June 10, 17 or 24 10:30 a.m. In this 2 hour class, learn the basics of how to click and move the mouse effectively. Class size is limited. Registration required.
Coffee, Donuts, and a Movie Wednesday, June 11 10:30 a.m. A dad (Spencer Tracy) is overwhelmed by the hoopla surrounding his daughter's (Elizabeth Taylor) wedding in this classic comedy. Registration not required.
Computer Class-Basic Computers Wednesday, June 11, 18 or 25 10:30 a.m. Beginners in this 2 hour class will learn the keyboard, desktop, and simple word processing skills. Basic mouse skills needed. Class size is limited and registration is required.
Computer Class-Navigating the Net Thursday, June 12, 19 or 26 10:30 a.m. Beginners will learn how to find information on the Internet using Google and Yahoo in this 2 hour class. Basic mouse skills required. Class size is limited, and registration is required.
Family Nutrition Program Friday, June 13 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Belinda Stepnowski, Family Nutrition Adviser from Purdue Cooperative Extension Service will discuss a variety of food and nutrition topics to adults and children, while showing how to prepare quick, tasty, and healthy low-cost foods.
Contact: Melissa Churley 962-2409
Lake Station – The Lake Station-New Chicago Branch Library, 2007 Central Avenue, is offering the following programs for youngsters.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/lsnc.htm or call 962-2409.
Volunteer Interviews Wednesday, June 4, 6 p.m. Saturday, June 7, 3 p.m. Volunteer interviews will take place and all applicants must: complete a new volunteer form, have the form signed by their parent or legal guardian, have completed the 5th grade, and have scheduled an interview during one of the designated times.
Movie Fun Wednesday, June 11 2 p.m. This animated movie is based on the book “A Day with Wilbur Robinson.” It is the story of a boy with a wish to belong and the characters he meets that might make his wish come true. Rated G - 96 minutes
Science Fiction Saturday Film Saturday, June 14 1-4 p.m. Teenager Marty McFly accidentally travels back to 1955 in a plutonium-powered DeLorean 'time machine.' Bring a lunch if you like. Cookies and drinks provided. Registration is not required.
Teen Craft Class: Monday, June 16 2 p.m. Teens will create a constellation lantern. Snacks will be provided.
Story Hour for 4s & 5s Tuesdays, June 17 & 24 10:30 a.m. Summer story time for children age 4 - 5 years that will include stories, songs, fingerplays and a craft.
Meet the Orkin Man Wednesday, June 18 2 p.m. Insects: Can't live with them, but did you know you can't live without them? There is a difference between an insect and a true bug. Children who have completed grades kindergarten through grade 6 will learn from the expert, the Orkin Man.
Toddler Time Thursdays, June 19 & 26 10:30 a.m. Toddler Time for children age 2 - 3 years and adult caregiver. This special story time will include stories, songs, finger plays and a craft.
Science Fiction Saturday Film Saturday, June 21 1-4 p.m. Strange lights, mysterious musical notes, and UFOs draw three residents of Muncie, Indiana, toward an encounter with aliens. Bring a lunch if you like. Cookies and drinks will be served. Registration is not required.
Balloon Skewers Monday, June 23 2 p.m. Teens will pierce a balloon with a wooden skewer without popping the balloon. Snacks will be provided.
Spider Web Art Wednesday, June 25 2 p.m. Children who have completed grade kindergarten through grade 6 will create a Spider Web of their own.
Greyt Readers Wednesday, June 25 6 p.m. Read to the dogs! The dogs will listen to the books you read to them. Greyhounds will be provided by American Greyhound. http://www.americangreyhound.org/
Teen Gaming Thursday, June 26 2 p.m. Teens are invited to pay video games on the Wii and PlayStation, as well as board games. Snacks provided.
'Tween Time Friday, June 27 2 p.m. Children 10 - 12 years will use their engineering skills to make a Straw Tower. The completed tower should be able to hold a pencil, withstand added weight and other structural tests.
Science Fiction Saturday Film Saturday, June 28 1-4 p.m. A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home-world. Bring a lunch if you like. Cookies and drinks will be served. Registration is not required.
Teens Craft Project Monday, June 30 2 p.m. Teens will build using marshmallows and pasta. Snacks will be provided.
Contact: Colleen Hansen 769-3541, Ext. 317
Merrillville – The Lake County Public Library, 1919 W. 81st Avenue, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/cnl.htm or call 769-3541, and the extension listed.
Tell Us About Your Pets June 2-30 All Day All month we will be displaying materials about pets and would like to hear about your best friends. Stop by the information desk to pick up a dog, a cat, a bird or a fish cut-out. Ext. 364
Ask Me! I Work Here! Mondays, June 2—30 2-4 p.m. Library staff will be available at the cafe vending area to answer your questions about library materials that should work on your computer or portable device! Bring your electronic toys and let's figure out the answer to your question! Ext. 340
English as a Second Language Mon. & Wed., June 2-11 6:30 p.m. Free classes offered for those who are learning English as their second language: speaking, reading, and writing. Various levels of instruction provided. Contact Rosella Garcia, Literacy Coordinator, at ext. 336 for details.
Literary Elements-Double Feature Tuesday, June 3 3 p.m. & 5:40 p.m. Bring your own drinks and snacks and settle in for a double feature! First, based on the best selling book, a teenager volunteers to take her sister's place in futuristic Panem's Hunger Games. After a brief intermission, we'll continue with the sequel. The films are rated PG-13. Ext. 338
Computer Class: Email Essentials Wednesday, June 4 1 p.m. Learn to set up a free email account and how to send and receive email safely. Class size is limited. Ext. 334
Paper Creations with Jolanda Thursday, June 5 1 p.m. There is a $5 fee to cover materials of handmade greeting cards and more due at the time of class. Please bring scissors and adhesive. Ext. 317
Local Children and Teen Books Author Fair Saturday, June 7 1-4 p.m. Kick off the summer by meeting local authors of books written for teens and children. Authors will be available for book signings and readings. Ext. 315
Friends Meeting Tuesday, June 10 1 p.m. The Friends of the Lake County Public Library Board meeting is held and all members of the 'Friends' or those interested in joining may attend. For more information, call Ext. 317.
New Approach to Parenting Workshop Tuesday, June 10 6 p.m. Learn how to inspire your child to learn, love, and develop respect. Ext. 315
Computer Class: Navigating the 'Net Wednesday, June 11 1 p.m. Learn how to use the Internet to find information. Class size is limited. Ext. 334
Northwest Indiana Butterfly Club Thursday, June 12 10 a.m. Observe and learn about butterflies, gardening for butterflies, rearing, conservation and photography. Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. For more information, contact Dian Fruth at dfruth@comcast.net or Laura Tucker, lauratucker2@frontier.com.
Circle of Readers Book Discussion Thursday, June 12 6:15 p.m. Readers will discuss “Rules of Civility” by Amor Towles. A chance encounter with a handsome banker on New Year's Eve 1938 catapults Wall Street secretary Katey Kontent into the upper echelons of New York society. Ext. 335
Movie Time Saturday, June 14 1 p.m. On a routine spacewalk disaster strikes leaving two astronauts alone in space tethered to nothing but themselves. The film stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney with a run time of 91 minutes. Registration is not required. Ext. 338
Gardening Class Tuesday, June 17 7 p.m. Susan Radovich will explain the fundamentals of container gardening: basic ideas, selection of pots, plants, design principles and how to incorporate them into your landscape. Ext. 336
Computer Class: Make the Most of Library Computers Wednesday, June 18 1 p.m. Learn basic computer terminology and how to use Windows or OpenOffice. Participants must know how to use a mouse. Class size is limited. Ext. 334
Play Chess and Checkers @ Your Library Thursday, June 19 All Day Chess and Checker sets are available to use while in the library. Check out a game with your library card or state issued ID at the circulation desk. Ext. 364
Getting to Your Core Thursday, June 19 6:30 p.m. This class will explain the importance of having a healthy attitude about the exercise technique of Pilates. Topics include: Mental Clarity, Concentration, Discipline, Relaxation, Breathing, Flexibility and Flow. Ext. 317.
Dancing with the Stars on the Nostalgic Stage of WW2 Tuesday, June 24 1:30 p.m. Presented by Dr. John Ban, this musical program is about dancing in America from 1934 to 1948. Watch the brilliant footwork of Fred Astair, Gene Kelly, the Nicholas Brothers, Eleanor Powell, Ginger Rogers, Ann Miller and other 'hoofers.' Ext. 335
Laugh for the Health of it Tuesday, June 24 7 p.m. A Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor will lead a unique exercise routine where anyone can laugh unconditionally, without jokes or comedy, to oxygenate your body, reduce stress and change your mood. Ext. 317
One on One Computer Class Thursday, June 26 6 p.m. Adults can sign up for a one hour session on how to use the Internet, set up free email accounts, or write a resume. Patrons must have a valid library card in good standing. Ext. 334
Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease Friday, June 27 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Join this free informational and interactive session that focuses on understanding the disease process of progressive dementia. A light lunch will be provided from 11:30am to Noon, followed by an advanced issues and strategies session. Register by calling toll free 1-888-303-0180.
Contact: Roddretta Waxton 769-3541, Ext. 360
Merrillville – The Lake County Public Library, 1919 W. 81st Avenue, is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs:visit www.lcplin.org/branches/cnl.htm or call 769-3541, ext. 360.
Story Time for 2 & 3 Year Olds Mondays, June 2 & 16 10 a.m. Toddlers, 2 and 3 year olds accompanied by a caregiver, will participate in stories, music and crafts. Mother Goose on the Loose
Tuesdays, June 3 & 17 10 a.m. Or 11:30 a.m. This half hour, early literacy, lap-sit program uses songs, rhymes, and finger play to encourage interaction and foster language development.
Spark an Adventure--Geocaching Thursday, June 5 5:30 p.m. Families are welcome to join us for an introduction to the world of Geocaching. Geocaching is a recreational activity, in which the participants use a GPS receiver or mobile device to hide and seek containers, called 'geocaches' or 'caches', anywhere in the world. Come learn more and then seek out LCPL's own hidden caches! 4 and 5 Year Old Story Hour Tuesdays, June 10 & 24 10 a.m. Or 11:30 a.m. Children will hear stories, sing songs, make a craft, and do activities about their five senses during this sensational story hour.
Table Top Game Day Tuesday, June 10 2-4 p.m. Table Top Game Day is a family friendly event where anyone is welcome to gather and play table top games. Some games will be provided and participants are welcome to bring their own favorite games.
Family Movie Day! Wednesday, June 11, 18, 25 Noon The whole family is invited to view a feature film each week, a new family movie! Participants may bring snacks or lunch. No red or other dark colored drinks. *Children under the age of 7 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Call the library for the title.
Board Game Fun Wednesday, June 11 6:30 p.m. Children in grades 2 to 5 will meet to play fun board games. Family members are welcome to join in!
Summer Reading Kickoff! Thursday, June 12 2-4 p.m. Children from 2 to 12 years of age are invited to attend Fizz! Boom! Read! to kickoff our Summer Reading Program filled with fun activities.
LEGO Club Monday, June 16 4 p.m. Children in 2nd through 6th grade will have fun making their own unique LEGO creations. The only requirement is imagination!
Teen Anime Club Tuesday, June 17 6 p.m. Anime movie night is open to teens ages 13 to 18. An agent is dispatched to Tokyo to investigate the illicit development of robotic technology that may pose a threat to mankind. Rated PG13, run time 109 minutes. Snacks provided. Registration not required. Ext. 334
Spark a Reader Wednesday, June 18 2-3:30 p.m. Teens in 6th to 12th grade will design their own bookmarks! Keep it for yourself or spark it forward to another avid reader! Snacks will be provided. Registration not required.
Gaming Night Wednesday, June 18 6 p.m. Children in kindergarten to grade 6 are invited to get together to play Wii, PlayStation 2, and board games. Snacks will be served.
Ronald McDonald Thursday, June 19 2-3:30 p.m. Ronald's coming! Join us for an afternoon of fun with our favorite clown.
Dunes National Lakeshore Thursday, June 26 1 p.m. Children who have completed kindergarten through 5 will enjoy this very interesting program presented by a park ranger from the Dunes National Lakeshore.
Kids Art Club Thursday, June 26 4 p.m. Children in 2nd to 6th grade will learn how to draw and paint in this one hour, monthly art club.
Contact: Linda Dunn 836-8450
Munster – The Munster Branch Library, 8701 Calumet Avenue, is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/mu.htm or call 836-8450.
Classic Film Monday, June 9 2 p.m. The USS Reluctant carries cargo along World War II's forgotten Pacific seaways. This is a seaworthy screen classic, manned by a crew of Hollywood legends. Not rated; running time 122 min.
Independent Film Tuesday, June 10 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. A case of stolen identity and one determined bride-to-be intersect in this comedic escapade from famed Japanese filmmaker Kenji Uchida. In Japanese with English subtitles. Not rated; adults only; 128 min.
Gardening Class Wednesday, June 11 6:30 p.m. Master Gardener Stacey Haskins describes how, from trellises and fences to arbors and poles, vines and climbers add a whole new dimension to your garden.
Explore Myanmar Thursday, June 19 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Journey into the past, to a hidden world of dreams and mystique, in the country of Myanmar. This country reveals a splendid land of bygone times.
Blood Pressure Screening Thursday, June 26 10 a.m. - Noon A medical representative provides free blood pressure screenings. No appointments or registration needed.
Thursday Afternoon Book Discussion Thursday, June 26 1:30 p.m. “Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter” by Tom Franklin tells the riveting story of two boyhood friends, torn apart by circumstance, who are brought together again by a terrible crime in a small Mississippi town.
Great Books Discussion Thursday, June 26 7 p.m. Readers are invited to a discourse of 'Symposium' by Plato, a selection from the fourth series of Great Books. The 'Great Books Reading & Discussion Program' includes the best that has been thought and written in the Western tradition. These classics are specially chosen by the University of Chicago's Hutchins & Adler for their ability to stimulate meaningful discussion.
Contact: Brittany Boosma 836-8450
Munster – The Munster Branch Library, 8701 Calumet Avenue, is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs:visit www.lcplin.org/branches/mu.htm or call 836-8450.
Summer Reading Volunteer Meeting Thursday, June 5, 6 p.m. Saturday, June 7, 2 p.m. Students currently in 4th grade or who are age ten and older may sign up to volunteer for the summer reading program. All volunteers must attend the meeting and may sign-up for the first two weeks. For any questions, please contact Ms. Brittany Bosma during library hours.
Power Paws Thursday, June 5 6 p.m. Power Paws for Kids is a unique program where children are matched up with a dog and a volunteer to practice reading aloud. All levels of readers are welcome.
Mother Goose on the Loose Friday, June 6 10:30 a.m. The program is designed for parents who want to learn how to play with their baby (birth to 23 months of age), while stimulating mental growth. Individual sessions include rhymes, chants, songs, stories, and activities geared to help early childhood development.
Terrific 2s & 3s Story Time Mondays, June 9, 16, 23 & 30 10:30 a.m. Or 2 p.m. Children will explore their surroundings' with stories, songs, rhymes, and a craft while learning social skills, listening comprehension, and the foundations of reading through letters, numbers, and vocabulary. While children are encouraged to sit in the front and participate on their own, a caregiver must attend with the child. No registration required.
Fantastic 4s & 5s Story Hour Tuesdays, June 10, 17 & 24 10:30 a.m. Or 2 p.m. Children will 'investigate the world around them' through stories, songs, rhymes, and a craft while learning through creative expression, social skills, listening comprehension. This program allows children to exert their independence and attend by themselves. Children attend the first half of the program on their own and then retrieve their adult for the craft at the end. Registration is not required.
School Age Explorers Wednesday, June 11, 18 & 25 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Children who have completed kindergarten, and older, will become scientists when we Fizz! Boom! Read! with books, games and crafts. Explore math and science concepts through children's literature and creative expression, as well as cognitive, social, and communication skills.
Munster Fire Department Thursday, June 12 2 p.m. Touch a real fire truck and learn how fire burns. Children of all ages are welcome. No registration required.
LEGO Building Thursday, June 12 3-7 p.m. Young LEGO enthusiasts, kindergarten and up, are invited to stop by any time from 3 to 7 pm for some creative building time with other kids. Participants will construct with LEGO blocks, then share their creations with the group.
Family Movie Break Friday, June 13, 1:30 p.m. Carl Fredricksen launches his house into the sky via thousands of balloons and discovers an 8-year-old stowaway named Russell. This hilarious journey takes you into a lost world with the least likely duo on Earth. Rated PG. Bring your own snacks. Registration is not required.
Teen Movie Break Tuesday, June 17 12:30 p.m. Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence returns as Katniss Everdeen in this thrilling second adventure. Rated PG-13; running time 146 minutes. Registration is not required.
Family Movie Break Friday, June 20, 1:30 p.m. This animated adventure follows the journey of a boy who must discover the story of the Lorax, a grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world, in order to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. Rated PG. Bring your own snacks. Registration is not required.
Bea the Bee Saturday, June 21 Noon The Lake County Fair's mascot, Bea the Bee, will be here to read to the children. There will be bookmark, sticker and more small prizes and a grand prize of gate passes to the Lake County Fair. Registration is not required.
Live Science Demonstrations Thursday, June 26 2 p.m. Children are invited to see live science demonstrations by Elliott Science Lab teacher Julie Glavin. Recommended age is kindergarten and up though the program is open to kids of all ages. Registration is not required.
Family Movie Break Friday, June 27 1:30 p.m. Based on the book “A Day With Wilbur Robinson” by William Joyce, this animated film tells the story of a boy with a lifelong wish to belong, and shows what happens when he meets an incredible collection of characters who just might have the power to make his wildest fantasies come true. Rated G. Bring your own snacks. Registration is not required.
Contact: Deborah Walker 365-5379
St. John – The St. John Branch Library, 9450 Wicker Avenue (US 41), is offering the following programs for adults.
Registration required for all programs:visit www.lcplin.org/branches/sj.htm or call 365-5379.
Stamp Camp Monday, June 2 6:30 p.m. Express your creativity with rubber stamps and decorative paper. A $5 fee covers the cost of materials and is due at the time of class.
Sit & Stitch Wednesdays, June 4 & 18 6-8 p.m. Bring your crocheting, knitting or sewing project & gather with others who have a common thread.
Master Gardener Class Monday, June 9 7 p.m. Explore 'Border Gardening' with Master Gardener Stacey Haskins in this class co-sponsored with the St. John Garden Club.
Travel the World Tuesday, June 10 1:30 p.m. Escape with us as we journey to the spicelands of Kerala in the beautiful country of India. If you've been there, bring a souvenir or story of your travels. Refreshments served.
Page Turners Book Club Wednesday, June 11 6:30 p.m. Join us as we discuss 'Olive Kitteridge' by Elizabeth Strout, the story of a retired school teacher who deplores the changes happening in her small town but doesn't recognize the changes in those around her.
Big Screen Musical Tuesday, June 17 1:30 p.m. A farmer gets sucked into show business when a theatrical troupe invades her farm. Starring Judy Garland, Gene Kelly and a host of others, this 1950 film is not rated.
Contact: Melissa Boothe 365-5379
St. John – The St. John Branch Library, 9450 Wicker Avenue (US 41), is offering the following programs for children and teens.
Registration required for all programs: visit www.lcplin.org/branches/sj.htm or call 365-5379.
Summer Teen Volunteer Training Monday, June 2 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 3 4:30 p.m. Volunteers (6th-12th grade) are needed to help make the summer reading program the best it can be. Earn volunteer hours while having fun. Teens and a parent must attend 1 informational meeting. Please bring your library card.
Toddler Time for 2 & 3 Year Olds Tuesdays, June 3 & 17 10:15 a.m. Or 11;15 a.m. Toddlers, accompanied by an adult caregiver, will listen to stories and participate in music, finger play, and other activities.
Aliens Among Us Thursday, June 5 1:30 p.m. What do we know about life on other planets? Children in kindergarten through 5th grade will explore the possibilities, read some stories, play a game and make a craft.
Amazing LEGO Club Friday, June 6 10:30 a.m. Young LEGO enthusiasts (kindergarten to 5th grade) are invited to use their imagination as they build with the library's LEGO blocks.
Use the Force and Read! Monday, June 9 1:30-4:30 p.m. Children are invited to sign up for the summer reading program and join the St. John Branch Library in a galaxy far, far away as we open our summer reading program with games, stories, crafts and refreshments.
Story Time for 4, 5 & 6 year olds Tuesdays, June 10 & 24 Or Fridays, June 13 & 27 10:30 a.m. Children will participate in an hour filled with stories, crafts and other activities about rainbows and robots.
Animals from the Indiana Dunes Wednesday, June 11 1:30 p.m. Park Ranger Kip Walton and his staff will teach us about animals that live in the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Mother Goose on the Loose Thursdays, June 12 & 26 10:15 a.m. This half hour, lap-sit program uses songs, rhymes, and finger plays to encourage interaction and foster language development. This program is for children (0-23 months old) and a caregiver.
Hip To Be Square Thursday, June 12 1:30 p.m. Children in kindergarten through 5th grade will learn about the artists Josef Albers and Piet Mondrian and make art projects using squares.
Little Mad Scientist Monday, June 16 1:30 p.m. Little mad scientists (kindergarten to 5th grade) will listen to a story, conduct an experiment and make a craft.
Teen Outdoor Science! Monday, June 16 4 p.m. Teens (6th-12th grade) will make Mentos and cola fountains, make icy volcanoes erupt and create exploding toothpaste! Don't dress up, you'll get messy!
Amazing LEGO Club Tuesday, June 17 6:30 p.m. Young LEGO enthusiasts (kindergarten to 5th grade) are invited to use their imagination as they build with the library's LEGO blocks.
Nature Club: Nature Hunt Wednesday, June 18 10:30 a.m. Children in kindergarten through 5th grade will explore nature, learn about the environment, and make a craft.
Soda Pop Play! Thursday, June 19 1:30 p.m. Children will make their own soda pop, enjoy a treat, and play games.
Sticker Mania! Friday, June 20 10:30 a.m. Children in kindergarten through 5th grade will make pictures with bright and beautiful stickers!
Fire Safety Monday, June 23 1:30 p.m. The firemen from the St. John Fire Department will will explain fire safety to children in kindergarten through 5th grade.
In the Wild Family Story Time Wednesday, June 25 6:30 p.m. Children and their families will participate in stories, crafts & other activities.
Maisy Is Visiting St. John! Thursday, June 26 1:30 p.m. Children of ages will enjoy stories about Maisy and take a picture with this lovable book character! Please bring your own camera.
Exploding Art Thursday, June 26 6:30-8 p.m. Teens (6th-12th grade) will create art with an explosion of color for a unique end result. Wear old clothes, you never know where the explosion will land!