Judy Serocinski, real estate agent at Realty Executives Premier prides herself on her knowledge of homes that even extend beyond the typical knowledge of selling and buying houses. Serocinski has been a long time fan of homes, from renovating to helping buyers find their perfect home, Seronciski's love of homes allows her to help those in need.
Seronciski's first experience with real estate began with her obtaining her licence years ago, only to have to give it up in order to take care of her family.
"I had my real estate licence for a long time," says Seronciski. "However after having my children I discovered that it's tough to have a real estate career along while raising young children and so I gave up my licence."
After leaving real estate, Serocinski spent 10 years flipping houses with her company Flippin' Out Home Renovations and furthering her love of homes by involving herself with the process of taking an older home and turning it into something livable and desirable.
"It was a hard decision to give up my licence initially but it was not hard to start again from scratch," says Seronciski. "I was always active in the real estate community due to house flipping."
It was during this period of real estate, house flipping and coming back to real estate again that Seronciski discovered her passion was not only involved with homes but with helping people find the perfect home for them as she does not believe in ok homes, and she does not believe in passable homes, she believes in the perfect home.
"It's my passion to take a horrible house and make it great again," says Serokciski. "I can walk into an ugly home and see in my mind how to make it amazing again. To turn something horrible into something beautiful is very rewarding."
Serokciski understands the apprehension and fear that first time home buyers go through when looking for their first home and always tries her best to help ease them into the process while also making sure that the home they choose in the end is the "perfect" one for them.
"When I have that first time home buyer, I always make sure they're completely satisfied with the home they have bought," says Serokciski. "If they're not sure of they say "well, its ok, this is fine," I tell them to keep looking, they haven't found the home for them."
Serokciski currently works as both a real estate agent for Realty Executives Premier and continues to flip houses while enjoying time with her four grandchildren and one grandson. While it may seem with such a busy schedule that it leaves her with little free time, it is in fact the opposite.
"To me, it's not like I'm working, it's a passion for me," says Serokciski. "This also comes from where I work as well. Mike and Pam are awesome and amazing to work for. Everyone here is professional and we have a friendly atmosphere. everyone gets along, it's just awesome and a great atmosphere."
Serokciski dedication to the home buyer and home owner are built on pillars of love for the market and love for good homes. Through her interests and desires, she cabn truly shine and help others achieve their dreams and develop an equally appreciative passion for homes.
"I just enjoy it, there are challenges all the time but I enjoy them," says Serokciski. "When I'm listing, I realize that I've been on that side before and I know what it's like to want and a sell a house. Sometimes I stick with a buyer for months before they find their home but in the end when they finally find that perfect match, it's all worth it."