Lowell-Lieutenant Terry Gose, district commander of the Indiana State Police Lowell Post, recently recognized Indiana State Police employees for their continued excellent service to the community during a meeting of the Indiana State Police at the Lowell Post.
Sergeant Lee Wright of Porter County was recognized for 35 years of service to the department with a longevity medallion.
Master Trooper Jim Burkhart of Porter County was recognized for 25 years of service and Master Troopers Randy Palmer of Porter County and Aaron Segrest of Lake County were recognized for 30 years of service. They all received a longevity pin and certificate
Sergeants Terrence Weems of Porter County, Brian Millard of Lake County and Master Troopers Jim Strong and Doug Parker both of Starke County were awarded a longevity pin and certificate for 20 years of service.
Larry Koebcke of Porter County recently retired as a Corporal after 29 years of service and was hired by the Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division as a Motor Carrier Inspector was presented with his retirement plaque from the department.
Trooper Nick Daly of Lake County was recognized for 50,000 safe driving miles. Trooper Khari Walton of Lake County was re cognized for 150,000 safe driving miles. Master Trooper Martin Benner of Newton County received 700,000 safe driving miles
Troopers drive their police cars approximately 40,000 miles per year. They are recognized for safe driving starting at 50,000 miles. They are recognized for years of service every five years.