Home»Other»Indiana State Police Announces Results of 10th Drug Take Back Day

Indiana State Police Announces Results of 10th Drug Take Back Day

Indiana-State-Police-logoOn September 25th and 26th over 9.2 tons (18,400 lbs.) of unused/unwanted prescription drugs were collected at 56 individual sites across Indiana. The Indiana State Police accounted for 14 of the 56 locations and contributed over 1,100 pounds to the statewide collection results.

Along with the state police, there were 36 other law enforcement partners/organizations in Indiana that participated in the National Drug Take Back event sponsored by the DEA.

The Chicago Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) field office released collection results for Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota. For more information, see the attached PDF of the DEA release.

Based on the success of the Drug Take Back events, plans are in progress for a Spring 2016 collection date. Stay tuned!