Home»Community»Education»Indiana Department of Education Names CPHS Teacher Jerome Flewelling as 2018 Teacher of the Year

Indiana Department of Education Names CPHS Teacher Jerome Flewelling as 2018 Teacher of the Year

Indiana Department of Education Names CPHS Teacher Jerome Flewelling as 2018 Teacher of the Year

Crown Point High School teacher Jerome Flewelling had quite the surprise Thursday morning as he walked into the cafeteria to rounds of applause from fellow faculty, the superintendent, Indiana Department of Education representatives, his students and his family.

Flewelling was named as the 2018 Teacher of the Year by the Indiana Department of Education, making him the first teacher from Northwest Indiana to be awarded this honor.

“I am surprised I am the first, too,” Flewelling said. “It’s such an honor because there are so many great teachers in The Region. I am so happy to be able to represent them and our amazing schools.”

Flewelling teaches AP physics, mechanics and chemistry at Crown Point High School. He has been in the education field for more than 20 years, first teaching physics and astronomy at Frankton Junior/ Senior High School, and before in 2001 joining Crown Point High School.

The staff kept his award secret, telling Flewelling his classroom had a “water leak,” and that he and his students needed to relocate their class.

As he turned into the cafeteria, he was greeted to a cheering room full of fellow educators and students.

“When I walked around the corner and I saw them I was thinking, what’s my family doing there?” Flewelling said. “Then I realized, this is not a water leak.”

Teresa Eineman, Superintendent of Crown Point Community School Corporation, said this was the 9th year they have submitted a nominee from the area.

“It’s a rigorous process,” Eineman said. “Tens of thousands of teachers are nominated every year, so chance are slim. That’s why I am so pleased to be on the top. It’s truly a lifetime achievement for him, and also for all of us.”

This isn’t the first award the Taylor University graduate has received, in the past he has been awarded Most Influential Teacher, Crown Point Teacher of the Year, Outstanding Performance Theatre Production and has been named a Spell Bowl Sponsor.

“He has been a role model in our school and community for a long time,” Chip Pettit, Crown Point High School Principal said. “He cares, he’s passionate, he’s tireless, and he deserves this.”

Among his students, Flewelling is endearingly known as “Flew.” They described him with many words, including energetic, fun, creative and extraordinary. With a challenging subject such as physics, Flewelling said he works hard to build his students’ confidence in the classroom

“I believe he deserves it, I think he has been working for years towards this goal,” said CPHS junior Riley Mosak, who has Flewelling for AP Physics. “He is very attentive to everyone in class. He focuses on each individual person, not just the classroom as a whole.”

As Indiana Teacher of the Year, Flewelling will go on to represent Indiana in the 2018 National Teacher of the Year Competition.