“Greyt” Readers Read to American Greyhound

Greyt-PhotoRico, a greyhound foster of rescue group American Greyhound, lay peacefully on the ground in the Hobart Public Library Wednesday evening as children read book after book to him. Community members came together at the library to read to greyhounds as part of American Greyhound’s “Greyt Readers” program.

Greyt Readers was created to give children a good experience with reading. Instead of feeling nervous in front of peers when reading in school, children are able to read to the greyhounds free of embarrassment or worries.

Children’s librarian Melissa Churley, or Miss Melissa to the kids, said, “It’s a good experience reading because the dogs don’t judge.”

Shortly before most of the children arrived, some spent time reading alone to Star, Melissa’s hound. A total of three greyhounds and around a dozen children showed up to the reading program at the library around 6 p.m. and began picking out different children’s books to read.

Children individually began to take turns reading to the greyhounds and in front of other listeners, being applauded after finishing their books. All were encouraged to at least read to a greyhound alone, if anything at all.

Some parents supported children who felt too shy by reading with them in front of everyone. Those too shy or young to read to the hounds were anything but when interacting with them.

Although some of the children at the reading program were too shy to read to the dogs, one greyhound couldn’t help but to be outgoing and give big doggy kisses to some of the children while they were reading.

Greyhound Rico, fostered by American Greyhound volunteer Annette Martin, began stretching out into relaxation soon after children started making their rounds to read to him. By the end of the hour, Rico was all tuckered out and showed no desire to leave.

Most children read at least one book. A few of the children even read up to five different books. As the hour went on, children began leaving to go home, and one little girl quietly hugged all of the other children goodbye out of the new habit her mother said she has learned by saying goodbye to relatives that come over.

Melissa said that the kids find the program very special because it only happens a few times throughout the year. Greyt Readers will be coming back to the Hobart Pubic Library in June and July.