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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Hammond Academy of Science and Technology is back for the school year

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Hammond Academy of Science and Technology is back for the school year

What’s recently happened? 

The first day of school for Hammond Academy of Science and Technology (HAST) Hawks was on Wednesday, August 14. 

“I was nervous walking back into the school as a senior but also excited. I definitely did not want to go back but I think I was also ready to start at the same time. I hope this year goes by very smoothly since I’m also doing my internship at the Area Career Center,” said Lyila Vega, a senior at HAST.

HAST also recently held a back to school night on August 12 where parents and students were able to meet their new teachers and get more information on the school year. 

“I really like my schedule and teachers this year. I have classes with all of my friends, and I think I’ll do really well this year. I also don’t have to go in until almost two hours after school starts for everyone else now that I’m a senior, so it’s definitely already made this school year better,” said Emalie Patino, a senior at HAST.

The first day of school was a success for all and went very smoothly.

What’s coming up?

The Class of 2025 is already planning all of its senior activities and getting busy.

“Our class sponsors have been emailing us and letting us know all our options for what we want to do as a senior activity to start off this school year. Right now, we have two options as our Senior Sunrise. We can either meet up somewhere and bring food to watch the sunrise, or have a lock-in at the school overnight and wake up to watch the sunrise from the balcony,” said Noah Michniewicz, a senior at HAST.

On August 22, the Senior Committee will be meeting up to decide on what its first senior activity will be. 

“I personally think the lock-in is going to win because it’s not usually what other schools do. I’m excited to see what else we do this year and what other decisions we’re gonna have to make,” said Austin McKimmy, a senior at HAST.

Staff spotlight:

Thereze Hartz has been a staff member at HAST for nine years. During those nine years, she has done much more than just teach in a classroom. 

“I direct the Hammond Academy Chorus and HAST Theatre. I love choir, but theatre is my happy place. I am actually going to be getting my master’s degree in Summer 2026,” said Hartz. 

For some, deciding what they would do for their career path comes much later in life. For Hartz, her decision was made at just 8 years old.

“I knew I wanted to do something with music as soon as I joined my first choir in second grade. For a long time, I wanted to go straight into performance. In eighth grade, after years of watching Mrs. Connell lead music class and musicals, I landed on becoming a music teacher. Everything I did from that day on was to get into a good college to help me be the best teacher I could be - coaching volleyball, joining every honor society I could, mentoring freshman, taking on leadership roles, taking voice lessons, performing in four choirs, working with kids at church - the list was insane. I am thrilled to teach theatre at HAST,” said Hartz.

Hartz enjoys spending her free time with her two boys. In the little time she does get to herself, Hartz enjoys binge-watching TV, scrolling through TikTok, and hanging out with friends.

“The best part of my job is getting to know and work with students. Of course, I love music and theatre and sharing that love is great, but getting to know them and watching them grow is the best! One of the coolest things about HAST is seeing students all the way from sixth to 12th grade. This year’s seniors will be my third class all the way through. The other huge benefit is having summers off. I do spend a lot of summer working at summer school or lesson planning, but having that time with my kids is so important. I don’t get a lot of time with them during the school year, so adventuring throughout the summer is so important,” said Hartz.

Student spotlight: 

Leah Kibsaim Lopez Morales transferred to HAST sophomore year of high school and has now entered her senior year. 

“I came to HAST because I had heard good things about it, and the academics made me want to come. Since I’ve been here, my grades have improved, and I am so glad I know all the people that are currently in my life. I also recently submitted my application to the National Honor Society, so hopefully I get in,” said Lopez. 

During her free time, Lopez enjoys painting and listening to music. She also enjoys hanging out with friends and going over each other's houses. 

“I am excited for senior year, especially for all the activities. At the same time though, I get sad because it’s my last year in high school and I have to accept the fact that I’m actually growing up. At least I’m doing it with my childhood best friend, so it also has me looking forward to all the memories we’re going to be making,” said Lopez. 

After high school, Lopez plans on going to college and studying radiology to become a radiologist. She also plans on taking phlebotomy courses once she turns 18 in March to get certified as a phlebotomist.