What’s recently happened?
On October 19, the Chesterton High School (CHS) Co-ed Cheer Team competed and earned a State Title at the Hoosier Cheer Coach Association (HCCA) Championship.
The team made its journey to Greenfield-Central High School to compete against teams from all over Indiana and show off its performances. The 26-member varsity team competed in the 4A Game Day Division. The CHS Co-ed Varsity Cheer Team and 13 other teams in this division competed against each other. Finals narrowed the division to the top six teams in the state with number one being the CHS Co-ed Varsity Cheer team.

The State Champion title was not the team’s only recognition on this day. The CHS Cheer program also earned the title of Best Fight Song in 4A Game Day performances. Two CHS stunt groups competed at the HCCA Championship in the Co-ed Stunt Group Division. Both first and second place titles were awarded to the CHS Stunt Groups and the team could not be more proud.
“I am super happy and proud of what we have achieved. My favorite part of this competition was when our name got called for first place and the whole team was just jumping with joy,” said Junior CHS Cheer Member Vince Casselman.
The team had an outstanding performance and is preparing for its upcoming competition at the Indiana Association of School Principals State Tournament next month.
What’s coming up?
Each October, the CHS Student Government hosts one of its biggest community events of the year: the CHS Trick or Treat.
For each Trick or Treat, CHS extracurricular groups develop a theme. The groups are given a spot in the school hallways to set up a table and decorate it according to their theme. The groups then pass out candy to all the community trick-or-treaters who come by. CHS Student Government members set up the hallways beforehand to create a spooky atmosphere and cover the school in all things Halloween-themed. This event is a great opportunity for the community to meet players from their favorite sports teams and members of the many clubs CHS has to offer.
The Trick or Treat event will take place this year on Tuesday, October 29 from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. The event is for kindergarten through sixth grade and family-friendly. For individual students, it is $5 to enter and for families, it is $10 to enter. Entry to the event is through door one at the front of the school. It is strongly encouraged to dress up in Halloween attire and it is asked that Trick or Treat goers bring canned goods or non-perishable items to donate to the Westchester Neighbors Food Pantry.
Staff spotlight:
Jennifer Jendrzejczyk has been an English teacher at CHS since 2009. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Purdue University in 2004, her Master of Science degree in 2010 at Indiana University, and her Master of Arts degree at Morehead University in 2015.
She always knew she wanted to be a teacher and had no alternative backup plan.

Jendrzejczyk is greatly involved in many CHS activities. She is the “Singing Sands” Yearbook advisor, a summer school teacher, the food drive sponsor, and even hosts Prom, just to name a few. Jendrzejczyk was also a finalist for Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2022.
When not busy with all these activities, Jendrzejczyk has other hobbies to occupy her free time.
“I enjoy baking, cooking, gardening, camping, reading, and hanging out with my kids, Annika, Dominic, and Andrea,” said Jendrzejczyk. “I also enjoy playing with my dogs, Murphy and Lily Bean, and going on walks to breakfast spots with my husband.”
Jendrzejczyk is a teacher who is dedicated to making an impact on her students' lives. Her main goal is to have some sort of effect on her students that will in turn help make the world a better place.
“Being a teacher means I am a small part of the journey toward improving the world,” said Jendrzejczyk. “Each student who is impacted by my excitement for learning, my cat pun humor, or my hope for their lives will make something better. And that makes me so profoundly happy in a way that I cannot imagine any other job would.”
Student spotlight:
Ava Persin has gone to Chesterton schools her whole life and she is now a senior at CHS. Persin is involved in many activities to keep her busy. She works at Biggby Coffee in Chesterton, is on the CHS Varsity Girls’ Track and Field Team, is involved in the health science vocational through CHS, and loves going to the gym or reading in her free time.

Persin has been involved in the CHS Vocational Program for two years now. The program helps students learn real-world skills that can be applied to actual jobs. The program allows students to go off CHS’s campus to take classes at other schools or facilities. Persin is in the Health Science 2 vocational at the Porter County Career Center and is working towards getting her CNA certification.
“I chose this course because I want to go to college to become a nurse, so this is a great class to get the opportunity to experience what it is like to actually be in a healthcare setting,” Persin said. “My dream career right now is to be a travel nurse practitioner. I learned about travel nursing from my cousin who is one and was so amazed and drawn to the career.”