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God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines

God Writes Straight with  Crooked Lines

Sister Connie Bach is one of the youngest member in the American Province. Her enthusiasm for helping those in need is contagious. She rallies volunteers, co-workers, and Sisters to assist in her life’s mission. She befriends those in need locally and nationally by supporting programs that help to alleviate the lack caused by poverty, immigration, and homelessness.

Sister Connie is a spiritual warrior whose prayers are fulfilled by herself and others. She sponsors initiatives that address the needs of those unable to help themselves. Sister Connie creates an avenue for progress and healing as she feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, and visits the sick. These corporal works of mercy enable people to reach for a better world as they heal emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Sister Connie’s family background involved outreach and caring from an early age. Her values were learned from her parents and others as her true purpose in life evolved. By making a difference for those she helps, the world becomes a better place through one meal, one pair of shoes, and one heartfelt hug at a time.

Read about Sister Connie’s life below as she shares how her faith and outreach grew beyond her early years into the example she has become someone for all of us to emulate. Faith in Action could be her life’s motto, one that each of us could do well in following.

Growing up as a little girl, I learned quickly from my parents the virtue of service. Mom was our Girl Scout Leader, and our badges encouraged us to learn about areas in our lives such as nature/ecology, life skills, being a good neighbor, citizenship, faith, making/ keeping promises, respect, and healthy living. The song we learned stated: On my honor, I will try. There’s a duty to be done and I say, “I.” My honor is to try, and my duty is to love. My father modeled service to us by volunteering in Little League baseball as an umpire and in Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) as a basketball coach and referee. I also remember him giving rides to any kid that could not get to baseball practice or a game. Mom always cooked for the school bake sale or large Bach gatherings. Dad helped people move and kept me, the youngest of four sisters, busy with yardwork and sports alongside him. I still love them both to this day!

I attended Saint Mary’s School in East Chicago for three years and was blessed to have Sisters Michelle Dermody, Deanne Blume, and Maricita Petrites as teachers. I still recall Sister Maricita taking us to the convent after lunch to sing songs while she played the little organ and her accordion! My love of music started back then, and I played trumpet throughout grade school, high school, college, and into my adult years at church. Noteworthy is the fact that I returned to Saint Mary’s to teach for three years. 

My parents pulled us girls out of Catholic School. I was not happy at all since I loved singing at Mass every morning. However, I had the opportunity for band class, which I would not have had at Saint Mary’s. I learned to play trumpet and actually won several awards over the years, including the John Phillps Sousa Marching Band Award in high school. That all nurtured my love of music! 

Going back now to the initial connection to at Saint Mary’s, I returned to church on my own in tenth grade after babysitting with a family who invited me to Mass with them after I babysat on Saturday night. I sang my heart out and was asked by then Sisters Claudia Koselke and Candace Scheidt to join the children’s choir. 

I did so and my life changed! I made my confirmation that year and became very involved in the parish as a member of the choir and the Legion of Mary, instrumentalist, Server, Commentator, Eucharistic Minister, Reader, President of the Teen Club, and member of the Parish Council over the years. Sisters Claudia and Mary Jane Ranek taught me guitar and then my music composition took off. This is really my first love! I would do it full-time if I could! I have composed over 30 songs, most of which have been for community. Four have been published and two have been translated into several languages within our congregation. I love playing for liturgies and many other celebrations, especially in a group. I used music in my classroom and as a principal for nearly twenty years! It is my favorite prayer style and my most effective way of praying and connecting with my Creator! 

Had I not left Saint Mary’s for public school, I doubt I would have found this path. Yet, it is God who wrote with crooked lines. My involvement in music was “instrumental” (pun intended) in working with the Sisters back at Saint Mary’s, where I volunteered then in the school grading papers, putting up bulletin boards, and covering an endless number of textbooks with brown paper bags. It is where my love for service and my faith were both nurtured and challenged, and where I recognized God’s call to religious life in which the Sisters played a huge role. “Can you help us in the convent with some cleaning? Can you stay for supper? How about prayer? Would you like to visit our Motherhouse? Why don’t you attend this Come and See weekend?” It all led to a deeper spiritual life and my eventual entrance into the PHJC community 34 years ago! Crooked lines written by the Creator made for a quite beautiful picture! 

I’ve had many opportunities for fulfilling my love for service now for 60 years. I love helping people move, organizing volunteer opportunities, meeting the people we serve in the food ministry at two local hotels, and lifting people up in whatever way I can. I enjoyed taking three groups of volunteers to serve down at our southern border and meeting hundreds of young people with whom I have served in our greenhouses, on our grounds, with our Sisters, and in our ministries. 

I never know what opportunities God is going to provide each day for serving others in need. This is what Saint Katharina did every day in her life – just responding to the needs right in front of her. This brings me great joy. God continues to write straight with crooked lines in my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way!