Danny Gonzalez, RN for St. Mary Medical Center and Health and Wellness Coordinator for the Portage Township YMCA is here to answer all of your health-related questions. It's hard to know where to start when taking steps to better your health these days. Asking the questions are easy, but find the answers...that's another story. Lucky for us, Danny makes it easy with his clear and concise (and humorous) answers to our tough health questions. Get ready to get some knowledge dropped on you!
This week's question: How do I start exercising?
Danny G.: The hardest part about getting started is knowing where to begin. The second hardest part is admitting to yourself and accepting where you're actually at with your fitness.
Starting your journey to a better, healthier tomorrow isn't easy, but that's where resources like our Portage YMCA Welcome to Wellness program come in. We can help you figure out where you're at currently and form a plan to help you get to where you want to go. But, the only way that you'll start that journey is to swallow your pride and admit that you are where you are, and that's okay! Getting help doesn't make you weak, it shows true strength because you're showing that you truly want to improve and will do anything to get there.
Don't start your fitness journey without a plan. Talk to a fitness professional, pick a starting point, accept where you're at and what you need to do RIGHT NOW to get started, and then work as hard as you can at it. Once you feel comfortable taking that next step, DO IT. Keep the momentum going and before you know it you'll be where you want to be.
Do you have a question for Danny? Send your questions to share@ideasinmotionmedia.com with the subject title: Attention Danny G. You can also contact Danny at the Portage Township YMCA by calling 219-762-9622.
*Disclaimer: The information in this article is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice.