Recently, the Gary Police Department welcomed two more canines to its K-9 unit bringing the total to four. German Shepherds “Ranger” and “Argo” will assist with narcotics investigations, weapons searches, patrol, tracking and apprehension of suspects.
“We are glad to have these new additions to our K-9 unit, as they too serve and protect our citizens,” said Deputy Chief Larry McKinley. “With this increase, we are now able to have one dog on each shift. It is our ultimate goal to have two dogs per shift.”
The two new dogs were purchased with grant funds. Veteran dogs “Dutch” and “Loki” were purchased through donations made to the Gary K-9 Association. Those who are interested in making a donation or learning more about the fund may contact Corporal John Artibey Jr. at (219) 808-9108. Donations may be sent to P.O. Box 64409, Gary, IN 46401.