Home»Community»Serving»Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson Recognizes Impact of National Service

Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson Recognizes Impact of National Service

Day-of-Service-01On Tuesday, Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson recognized volunteers from RSVP, Americorps, Foster Grandparents Program and the Senior Companion Program in honor of the Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service. Volunteers gathered at the Sojourner Truth House, a non-profit organization that provides services to homeless women and their children, to hear the Mayor’s address about the importance of volunteerism.

Day-of-Service-02“Volunteerism is one of the most important ways to give back to your community,” said Freeman-Wilson. “As someone who grew receiving services some of these agencies like the Gary Neighborhood House, I know firsthand how the people and these organizations make a difference.”

After reading the proclamation, Freeman-Wilson spent time volunteering at Sojourner Truth House for the rest of the morning.

Click here to read the proclamation.