Passion and giving was the theme of the Women’s Giving Circle annual dinner. President Patricia Huber, welcomed the 100+ attendees and extended a special hello to several of the 20 new members present at the August 12th dinner. Throughout the year, ladies participate by “giving” to the Women’s Giving Circle Fund. Annually they gather to decide the local charities that will benefit by their philanthropy. This year, the ladies raised an astonishing $18,920! They distributed $9,460 at the dinner and another $9,460 was placed in the CPCF community endowment fund. This fund provides grants to support community needs and programs three times each year through the grant process at the Foundation.
Recipients of the Women’s Giving Circle grants are the following:
- Autism Spectrum Coalition-MAAP Services
- Boys and Girls Club of NWI-Cedar Lake Club
- Cedar Lake Historical Society
- CPCF Community Endowment Fund
- Crown Point Community Library
- Crown Point Fire Department-Project Lifesaver
- Crown Point Lions Club–Kidssight
- Don Hess Scholarship Fund
- Douglas MacArthur PTO
- Early Learning Partnership NWI
- Franciscan Comm. Adult Day Care
- Friends of the Crown Point-Adult Learning Center
- Girls on the Run Great Lakes Greyhounds
- Habitat for Humanity
- Honor Flight NWI
- Indiana Ballet Ivy Tech Scholarship for Women
- Lake County Animal Shelter
- Lake County Courthouse Foundation
- Lake County Historical Society
- Meals on Wheels of NWI
- NICK Foundation
- NWI Symphony Society
- Power Paws for Kids
- Scholarships for Women over 21
- St. Clare Health Clinic
- St. Jude House
- Sunshine PAWS, Inc
- The Arc of NWI
- Trinity Cares
Please consider joining this unique group of ladies in making a commitment to the community through the Women’s Giving Circle Fund! For more information about becoming a member of the Women’s Giving Circle, contact Pat Huber at 662.7252. Or become a member online by going to the Foundation website at