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Franciscan St. Margaret Health Celebrates Life with Area Students

Franciscan St. Margaret Health in Dyer saw hundreds of young souls gather for the annual Respect Life Celebration on Monday, October 12 in the campus’s front lawn. This event has taken place during Respect Life Week for over 20 years, and is meant to put an emphasis on the precious gift of life and to let people know that their lives matter, have meaning, and deserve respect.

Students from middle school age to college age showed up, carrying homemade signs that were covered with pictures and words that depicted the importance and beauty of life.

“We’re very grateful and humbled by your presence here during Respect Life Week,” Michael Stenger, President of Franciscan St. Margaret Health said to the crowd of students. “Today we joyfully proclaim that every life is worth living. That is why we have so many assembled here this morning to witness God’s never ending love for all from conception to natural death.”

Father Theodore J. Mens, Coordinator of Pro-Life Activities of the Diocese of Gary announced the names of schools in attendance which included: Andrean High School, Aquinas School, Bishop Noll Institute, Our Lady of Grace School, St. Casimir School, St. John the Baptist, St. John Bosco, St. John the Evangelist, St. Mary Schools of Crown Point as well as Griffith, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Thomas More, St. Stanislaus, and Calumet College of St. Joseph.

TaShena Melton, Manager of St. Monica Home, gave a moving speech about her past. She became a mother at a young age and chose life for her son who is now a teenager. It was a struggle for her, but she believed whole-heartedly that God had a plan for her and her son, and she was adamant to the students that they were all precious and their lives did indeed have meaning.

“God has a plan that can only be understood by us when we view it backwards,” Melton said. “Every step we make can be used for His glory when we put our trust in Him. These things seem so much easier to say today; So easy for me to follow these guidelines and, honestly, it’s easy for me to know that my life has a purpose right now. But like many adults who tell many groups of young teenagers these things, I want you to know that it was not as easy as it now seems for me. But I stand here now, a proud mother of an 18-year-old who continually makes me proud to be his mother.”

Music was led by Ron and Carolyn Foltman of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. They had the kids singing lively and moving worship songs that reminded us all of God’s expansive love and understanding. At the end of the ceremony, students from different schools carefully pressed crosses into the grounds of Franciscan St. Margaret Health. The crosses represent babies whose lives were ended due to abortion.

"One of the greatest things that I have gotten to do in my nine short months here at the Diocese is visit all of the schools," Bishop Donald J. Hying of the Diocese of Gary said to the students during his homily. "You are the treasure of the church. You are the greatest possession that we have here in the Diocese. Without exception I have been impressed by your respect, by your faith, by your care for each other, by your prayerfulness, and by the love in your heart... I look at all of you and want to simply say that I love you and, more importantly, that God loves you."