Home»Health»Seniors»Feel Healthier, be Stronger – Join Our Active Older Adults

Feel Healthier, be Stronger – Join Our Active Older Adults

YMCA-Yellow-GreenOlder adult wellness programming is one of our fastest growing program areas. Our AOA programs (age 50 and over) will help you not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually.

Flexibility & Balance Exercise Class
Flexibility and Balance focuses on building and maintaining strength, flexibility, balance, agility, and coordination for the Active Older Adult. Join our community of friends in this 45 minute class twice a week geared towards giving you the tools to live an independent and comfortable life.

WHEN: Mondays and Wednesdays

TIME: 10 - 11 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room at the Griffith Family YMCA

COST: FREE for members and $20 for non-members

We are looking into adding exercise programs specially designed for active older adults. If you are interested in these classes or learning more please contact the front desk: 750-1082.

Come join us to discuss a good book, make lasting friendships and share good food. We will meet once a month in our Community Room. We ask you to bring in your favorite finger foods to share. The books will be chosen by our group leader Lori Mulligan. The discussions will be led by YOU!

Cost: FREE to members
Days/Times: 2nd Thursday each month from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Registration: See the Welcome Center for registration dates

Programs with the Southlake Branch
You are welcome to explore programs at our fellow Crossroads YMCA branch in Crown Point:

Line Dancing Classes
Brown Bag Book Club (Last Monday of each month, starts at 11:30 a.m.)
Monthly Birthday Pot-Luck Luncheons.
Feed your adventurous spirit on special trips and events throughout the year.
Walking Club held in summer months.
Want to join in? Review the Southlake Active Older Adults program info.

Questions about these programs? Contact the front desk 219-750-1082.